0:20 → 0:25
masculine_0Hey guys, Steven here. Last time I made a video talking about what is missing in most Christian families today.
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masculine_0And today I'm going to make a video talking about the greatest calling of the Christian husband and father.
0:31 → 0:37
masculine_0And I thought I'd take you guys along with me as I go up to the the hill here and cut down some Mambu.
0:37 → 0:38
masculine_0Let's get going
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1:23 → 1:27
masculine_0Here we are up in the jungle and we're going to try to cut down some bamboo.
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masculine_0Lots of mosquitoes.
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masculine_0See if I can find some good bamboo.
3:04 → 3:05
masculine_0So in the last video I talked about
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masculine_0the need for daily family worship in the home.
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masculine_0And in this we I wanted to talk about the important calling that we as men have
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masculine_0as husbands and as fathers.
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masculine_0You know, a lot of us
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masculine_0really desire to be the spiritual head of our home,
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masculine_0to disciple each one of our family members leaving closer to Christ.
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masculine_0But often times we don't know
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masculine_0how to do that.
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masculine_0And that could be for several reasons.
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masculine_0Several reasons why we don't do it.
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masculine_0Number one, we just might not know how it could be an issue of being a young Christian.
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3:59 → 4:09
masculine_0maybe we've bought into the lie that you need to go to seminary or be a theologian or a scholar before you can actually start leading people closer
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masculine_0to Christ. But that's not what the Bible says.
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masculine_0The Bible says for husbands to wash their wives with the water or the Word,
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masculine_0and there are no conditions
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masculine_0tied to that. Command.
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masculine_0Doesn't say, OK, first go to Bible school and then you'll be fit for deciphering your wife.
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masculine_0How we are often told in the Bibles for the fathers to train up their children in the ways of the Lord,
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masculine_0that we should diligently teach our children the ways of God.
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masculine_0God's word should be in our heart. We should diligently teach it to our children.
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masculine_0When we sit in the house, when we walk. By the way,
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masculine_0when we lie down, when we rise. So
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masculine_0we see our need to speak the words of God to our children.
4:55 → 5:02
masculine_0And if imagine this if if we were just to leave the spiritual discipleship of our children up to the professionals,
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masculine_0what does that mean? That means once a week,
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masculine_0possibly for two hours, maybe 4 hours a week out of the 120,
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masculine_0or 10 or 120 hours a week,
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masculine_0we're expecting our children to be discipled and real closer to God and be equipped for
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masculine_0food for spiritual life. It's just two to four hours a week.
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masculine_0That's that's not going to work.
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masculine_0It's just not enough time. It's not enough training for for all that they encounter.
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masculine_0Out of all the duties that we have as men,
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masculine_0to disciple, our family is the greatest.
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masculine_0It's the greatest calling for husbands and this for fathers.
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masculine_0I look at providing for your family more like your heart beats.
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masculine_0It's more of a
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masculine_0unconscious thing. You just do it because that's what men are supposed to supposed to do,
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masculine_0and that's a given. But spiritual discipleship really takes intentional thought.
5:58 → 6:03
masculine_0It takes a conscious effort to disciple your family.
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masculine_0I think a lot of us do a pretty good job at providing for our families,
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masculine_0you know, financially, that part maybe spending time with our wife and children.
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masculine_0But I think,
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masculine_0I think we kind of struggle with being a spiritual leader and want to encourage you in your calling as the spiritual leader
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masculine_0of your home. Nobody else can do it better than you.
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masculine_0Nobody else has the day-to-day
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masculine_0access to your children,
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masculine_0day-to-day access to your wife
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masculine_0and the day-to-day influence
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masculine_0that you do.
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masculine_0Sure, your pastor and other people,
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masculine_0missionaries, other spiritual leaders might have a good impact on them,
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masculine_0but it's not a day-to-day you know as you're in your house about about the way when you're lying down with the rising type of impact,
6:54 → 7:03
masculine_0only you have that and it's such a powerful position that you have and it's such an honor and a duty.
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masculine_0So don't take a lightly. You are called by God.
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masculine_0Keep on leading.
7:34 → 7:37
masculine_0Hey guys, I know a lot of us at the end of the day are pretty tired.
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masculine_0We work pretty hard at our jobs.
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masculine_0We come home and feel like we've getting all that we can,
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masculine_0but we haven't.
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masculine_0If we haven't let our family to the altar of God every day and no one else is going to do that but you and I just wanted to encourage you guys to
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masculine_0step up in this regard, to not forget your responsibility to lead your family closer to Christ.
7:59 → 8:03
masculine_0And some of you might feel like you know you're not as spiritual,
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masculine_0you're not as
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masculine_0wise, you're not as capable at discipling others as maybe your pastor at church or the elders or deacons or other people.
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masculine_0The most important thing is that we get started.
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masculine_0It's not that we're perfect. It's not that we get everything in order first before we start.
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masculine_0It's just that we start and do daily family worship with their families.
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masculine_0Hey guys, I'd like to thank you so much for watching.
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masculine_0I want to hear from you down in the comments section.
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masculine_0What are some things that you do in your own family to lead your wife and children closer to Christ on a regular basis.
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masculine_0So please share with me down below in the comments.
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masculine_0If you'd like to learn more about family worship,
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masculine_0please check out my website at stephenkirkland.com.
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masculine_0I left a link down in the description area below.
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masculine_0Please subscribe. If you found this video helpful.
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masculine_0Go ahead and like it. Share it.
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masculine_0Keep fighting the good fight of faith and we'll see you guys next time.