تحليل المعادلات التربيعية غير الأحادية | الجبر | الرياضيات | FuseSchool
سنتعرّف في هذا الفيديو على تحليل المعادلات التربيعية التي معامل x تربيع فيها عددًا بخلاف 1. وتُسمّى بالمعادلات التربيعية غير الأحادية.
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الترجمة والدبلجة: alugha
Blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
White blood cells are our warriors; the army inside our body that protects us from infectious disease and foreign invaders. They make up less than 1% of our blood.
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Learn the basics about what an atom is? How do you recognize an atom, what are its properties? Find out more in this video!
What Is An Atom - Part 2 - Isotopes -> https://bit.ly/3wFaokF
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In this video we’re going to look at how to simplify algebraic expressions. Before we get started on simplifying, a few things to remember:
(1) we always use a use a curly x for the letter x in algebra.
(2) We don’t really use the mul