7 علامات على انعدام ثقتك في نفسك

هل تشعر بعدم الثقة في نفسك؟ تمر علينا جميعًا لحظات من انعدام الثقة، سواءً كان ذلك ناتجًا عن التعرُّض للرفض أو المواقف الصعبة. لكن استمرار الشعور بعدم الثقة قد يؤثر سلبًا على سلامتك العاطفية والجسدية. وعلى المدى الطويل, قد يحرمك انعدام الثقة في نفسك من العلاقات الرومانسية أو فرص العمل. وقد يقلل من احترامك لذاتك ويتحوّل إلى قلق. لذا، صنعنا هذا الفيديو لمساعدتك في تحديد علامات انعدام الثقة في النفس. الكتابة: Sara Del Villar تحرير النص: Morgan Franz إدارة النص: Kelly Soong التعليق الصوتي (اللغة الإنجليزية): Amanda Silvera الرسوم المتحركة: Sam Rain إدارة يوتيوب: Cindy Cheong Erol, R. Y., & Orth, U. (2013). Actor and partner effects of self-esteem on relationship satisfaction and the mediating role of secure attachment between the partners. Journal of Research in Personality, 47(1), 26–35. www.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2012.11.003 Finch, Sam Dylan. “5 Tools for Pushing Back Against Negative Self-Talk.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 1 July 2020, www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/negative-self-talk. Gage, Kris. “Signs Of Insecurity.” Medium, Medium, 27 July 2018, medium.com/@krisgage/signs-of-insecurity-f45529aad3cf Greenberg, Melanie. “The 3 Most Common Causes of Insecurity and How to Beat Them.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 6 Dec. 2015, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201512/the-3-most-common-causes-insecurity-and-how-beat-them. Sezer, Ovul; Gino, Francesca, and Michael I. Norton. “Hubblebragging: A Distinct- and Ineffective -Self-Presentation Strategy.” Harvard Business School, 2015, www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication%20Files/15-080_97293623-53aa-4df8-b967-38617e144fd9.pdf. Working Paper. Whitbourne, Susan Krauss. 4 Signs That Someone Is Insecure. 17 Nov. 2015, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201511/4-signs-someone-is-insecure. Tsaousides, T. (2016, May 06). How to Be the Perfect Perfectionist. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/smashing-the-brainblocks/201605/how-be-the-perfect-perfectionist Hanson, R. (2012, February 23). Lower the Pressure. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-wise-brain/201202/lower-the-pressure Whitbourne, S. (2012, July 18.) Bragging, When Is It OK and When Is It Not OK?. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201207/bragging-when-is-it-ok-and-when-is-it-not-ok#:~:text=The%20best%20way%20to%20brag,brag%20about%20yourself%20to%20yourself. Kay, A. (2013, November 25). Do You Humblebrag?. Retrieved from www.realsimple.com/work-life/technology/communication-etiquette/humblebrag Inferiority Complex. (n.d). Retrieved from psychology.jrank.org/pages/333/Inferiority-Complex.html Gattuso R. (2018, August 09). How Does People Pleasing Negatively Affect Your Mental Health?. Retrieved from www.talkspace.com/blog/people-pleasing-negatively-affect-mental-health/ McLeod, S. (2017, February 05). Attachment Theory. Retrieved from www.simplypsychology.org/attachment.html Overview Agoraphobia. (2018, December 18). Retrieved from www.nhs.uk/conditions/agoraphobia/ Stein, D. (2015, September 23). Social anxiety disorder and the psychobiology of self-consciousness. Retrieved from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4585074/ Fraley, R. (2018). Adult Attachment Theory and Research. Retrieved from www.labs.psychology.illinois.edu/~rcfraley/attachment.htm 10 WAYS YOU CAN STOP BEING SO EASILY OFFENDED. (n.d). Retrieved from www.meanttobehappy.com/10-ways-you-too-can-stop-being-so-easily-offended/ Donald, B. (2013, February 12). Babies whose efforts are praised become more motivated kids, say Stanford researchers. Retrieved from news.stanford.edu/news/2013/february/talking-to-baby-021213.html PsychAlive. (n.d). How to Overcome Insecurity: Why Am I So Insecure?. Retrieved from www.psychalive.org/how-to-overcome-insecurity/ Seltzer, L. (2019, March 13). How Quick Are You to Take Offense? 10 Powerful Remedies. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-the-self/201903/how-quick-are-you-take-offense-10-powerful-remedies Whitbourne, S. (2016, February 27). 4 Ways to Deal with Insecure People. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201602/4-ways-deal-insecure-people Attachment. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/attachment Narcissism. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/narcissism الترجمة والدبلجة: alugha انقر هنا لمشاهدة مزيدٍ من الفيديوهات: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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