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Hey Psych2Goers, thanks so much for your support.
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Let's begin.
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Are there certain statements or words that trigger you or completely rub you the wrong way?
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In general, everyone hates hearing "just calm down" or "you're being too sensitive."
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Nobody wants to feel like they're being irrational regardless of your personality type.
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But what especially triggers the perceptive, empathetic INFJs.
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Here are seven things you should never say to an INFJ.
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1. you're too sensitive.
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Have you ever felt really down or upset and just needed a listening ear?
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During moments of sadness an INFJ wants to have their feelings accepted with understanding and comfort.
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The last thing an INFJ would want is to have their feelings challenged and dismissed by someone they're confiding in.
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If you tell an INFJ you're too sensitive, this downplays and invalidates their emotions.
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They might choose to avoid you in the future and turn to someone else when they're going through something heavy.
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2. let's wing it.
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Do you enjoy having everything in order and are not very flexible or willing to adapt?
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INFJs thrive on following through structure.
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This could be attributed to the INFJs desire for perfectionism and control.
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But nonetheless, an INFJ is much more comfortable maintaining order over having to face uncertainty with no backup plan.
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3. you should be ashamed of yourself.
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An INFJ absolutely hates letting others down and when they've disappointed someone it stings really bad.
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Being told that they should also be ashamed of themselves, stirs up all sorts of negative emotions within an INFJ.
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This causes inaction and doubtfulness.
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If you want an INFJ to feel at peace and be productive,
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practice kindness, patience, and provide constructive criticism for them rather than a pointed finger.
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4. here's some advice.
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Have you ever just wanted to vent about your problems but then been handed unsolicited advice?
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When feeling upset or facing a problem the INFJ is not looking for someone to fix their problem.
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Since they are serious thinkers, they've already spent a lot of time coming up with different solutions for themselves.
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At the end of the day they just want someone to listen to their problems and be there for them.
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5. I've had it worse than you.
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Have you ever had someone downplay your problems by bringing up someone else's plate instead?
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An INFJ is acutely aware of how other people feel since they absorb other people's emotions like a sponge.
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When an INFJ is going through something bad, they might need comfort and understanding
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and they don't like to be told that so and so has it way worse than you do right now.
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This invalidates their feelings and diverts the attention away from them and what they're trying to talk to you about.
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Consolation and support are a much better way to relate to them and help them out.
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6. can you be more practical?
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An INFJ is not the most practical personality type.
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They have a harder time navigating the physical world around them because they can easily get lost in their own heads.
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An INFJ has a very vivid imagination and mentally likes to explore the different ideas, theories, and visions running through their minds.
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Practicality does not come easily to an INFJ, so telling them or asking them to be more practical will do more harm than good.
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And 7. but that's how we've always done things.
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INFJs are not blind followers.
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They oversee and critique things regardless of age or custom.
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An INFJ is not willing to compromise their ideas in order to fit in a company, organization, or club.
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INFJs thrive in coming up with new solutions and angles to problems.
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So if the environment is against any proposal of change,
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the INFJ will become uninspired and seek out another avenue and people that are more willing to accept their flow or change.
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Are you an INFJ or do you know someone who is?
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What are your thoughts on these phrases? Let us know in the comments below.
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Please like and share this video if it helped you and you think it could help someone else too.
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The studies and references used are listed in the description below.
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Don't forget to hit the subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos and thanks for watching.
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We'll see you next time.