0:43 → 0:45
SPEAKER_01This machine is the Rohrwurzler.
0:45 → 0:46
SPEAKER_01The name was given to it
0:46 → 0:48
SPEAKER_01by its inventors, the Linderstaff.
0:49 → 0:51
SPEAKER_01The mere idea of giving an invention
0:51 → 0:54
SPEAKER_01a nickname shows the love of these experts for their work.
0:56 → 0:58
SPEAKER_01You might call them live wires,
0:58 → 1:01
SPEAKER_01because high tension power is transported
1:01 → 1:03
SPEAKER_01through the spiral welded pipe, from
1:03 → 1:06
SPEAKER_01the power plant to the transformer substation,
1:06 → 1:07
SPEAKER_01then on to the customer.
1:08 → 1:11
SPEAKER_01More than 600 kilometers of experience
1:11 → 1:13
SPEAKER_01can be found in every meter of piping.
1:14 → 1:16
SPEAKER_01Special requirements and special
1:16 → 1:18
SPEAKER_01applications are discussed and decided on
1:18 → 1:20
SPEAKER_01in a partnership effort with the customer.
1:22 → 1:24
SPEAKER_01Quality and safety combined with
1:24 → 1:26
SPEAKER_01reliable delivery are prerequisites for
1:26 → 1:28
SPEAKER_01a trustful cooperation.
1:29 → 1:30
SPEAKER_01You can depend on the Rohrwurzlers.
1:36 → 1:37
SPEAKER_01They get top flight schooling
1:37 → 1:39
SPEAKER_01and training to familiarize them
1:39 → 1:42
SPEAKER_01with all the specifications, standards,
1:42 → 1:44
SPEAKER_01safety requirements and rules.
1:45 → 1:48
SPEAKER_01Whether Rohrwurzlers or customer, everybody
1:48 → 1:49
SPEAKER_01is fully instructed.
1:50 → 1:52
SPEAKER_01That means safety all round, for
1:52 → 1:54
SPEAKER_01people, environment and plants.
2:06 → 2:08
SPEAKER_01Constructing a helium liquefier calls
2:08 → 2:11
SPEAKER_01for the greatest diligence and concentration.
2:11 → 2:13
SPEAKER_01Even the smallest tolerances in the design
2:13 → 2:16
SPEAKER_01and fabrication will reduce the degree of effectiveness.
2:17 → 2:20
SPEAKER_01There is only one competitor worldwide who
2:20 → 2:21
SPEAKER_01might be up to a challenge like this.
2:25 → 2:26
SPEAKER_01This plant here will make it
2:26 → 2:29
SPEAKER_01possible to study nuclear fusion in
2:29 → 2:32
SPEAKER_01conjunction with the European research project Wendelstein.
2:33 → 2:35
SPEAKER_01This, too, is a contribution from
2:35 → 2:37
SPEAKER_01Linda to the energy production of tomorrow.
2:39 → 2:43
SPEAKER_01At regular meetings of the various expert panels,
2:43 → 2:47
SPEAKER_01the projects are designed, executed and checked out.
2:47 → 2:50
SPEAKER_01Every plant component is a masterwork of its own,
2:50 → 2:52
SPEAKER_01also thanks to smooth communication,
2:52 → 2:55
SPEAKER_01which is intensively encouraged and practiced.
3:04 → 3:06
SPEAKER_01Top expertise is available all the
3:06 → 3:08
SPEAKER_01way to the executive level, which is
3:08 → 3:11
SPEAKER_01why one final checkout becomes a source
3:11 → 3:13
SPEAKER_01of enjoyment with no regrets.
3:23 → 3:24
SPEAKER_01It sounds incredible, but one of
3:24 → 3:26
SPEAKER_01the most significant secrets in the
3:26 → 3:30
SPEAKER_01construction of plants like these involves perfect insulation.
3:31 → 3:33
SPEAKER_01Only years of experience can bring
3:33 → 3:34
SPEAKER_01forth top performance like this.
3:49 → 3:51
SPEAKER_01This tenacity has made Linde
3:51 → 3:54
SPEAKER_01Europe's largest manufacturer of vacuum
3:54 → 3:56
SPEAKER_01insulated low temperature tanks.
3:57 → 3:58
SPEAKER_01Leading-edge welding machines
3:58 → 4:00
SPEAKER_01and robots can produce tanks with
4:00 → 4:03
SPEAKER_01capacities of up to 100,000 liters.
4:05 → 4:08
SPEAKER_01Linder quality cuts costs and guarantees
4:08 → 4:11
SPEAKER_01a long lifespan, in the spirit of the Rohrwurzlers.
4:15 → 4:17
SPEAKER_01The motto, keep cool, also applies
4:17 → 4:19
SPEAKER_01to the cryogenic tank division.
4:19 → 4:22
SPEAKER_01Keep cool means both people and material.
4:24 → 4:27
SPEAKER_01With an annual capacity of well over 1,000 units,
4:27 → 4:30
SPEAKER_01superior endurance and stability is called for.
4:31 → 4:33
SPEAKER_01Not only are tanks series for
4:33 → 4:36
SPEAKER_01deep-chilled liquefied gases produced here,
4:36 → 4:39
SPEAKER_01customized special cryotanks are also made
4:39 → 4:41
SPEAKER_01for such applications as the ones
4:41 → 4:43
SPEAKER_01on world-renowned German submarines.
4:56 → 4:58
SPEAKER_01The enormous experience and versatility
4:58 → 5:01
SPEAKER_01of staff members makes the fabrication
5:01 → 5:04
SPEAKER_01process flexible, fast and economical,
5:04 → 5:05
SPEAKER_01with outstanding quality.
5:06 → 5:09
SPEAKER_01At temperatures of up to 252
5:09 → 5:12
SPEAKER_01degrees below zero centigrade, each tank
5:12 → 5:14
SPEAKER_01has a handsome appearance in its
5:14 → 5:16
SPEAKER_01double coat, even though putting it
5:16 → 5:19
SPEAKER_01on is not entirely uncomplicated.
5:19 → 5:21
SPEAKER_01The experience of the operators flows
5:21 → 5:24
SPEAKER_01into production over and over again, which,
5:24 → 5:27
SPEAKER_01in turn, leads to ongoing further development.
5:28 → 5:31
SPEAKER_01When all the attachments have been carefully mounted
5:31 → 5:33
SPEAKER_01and the tanks labelled with Linda's good name,
5:33 → 5:35
SPEAKER_01then in virtually no time they can
5:35 → 5:38
SPEAKER_01go right into their most unnoticeable decades
5:38 → 5:40
SPEAKER_01of service on the customer's site.
5:41 → 5:43
SPEAKER_01It was this concentrated knowledge
5:43 → 5:46
SPEAKER_01that brought about the development of the Litz
5:46 → 5:48
SPEAKER_01for the general tank market, which
5:48 → 5:50
SPEAKER_01has meanwhile become an international standard.
6:03 → 6:05
SPEAKER_01Heat exchangers seem simple.
6:05 → 6:08
SPEAKER_01Their design and fabrication, however, can be tricky.
6:09 → 6:11
SPEAKER_01Fluids with differing physical parameters
6:11 → 6:14
SPEAKER_01have to be brought in line in an optimum way.
6:14 → 6:17
SPEAKER_01To make this happen, the Rohrwurzelers
6:17 → 6:19
SPEAKER_01have one of the largest databases
6:19 → 6:22
SPEAKER_01for physical properties anywhere at their Becken core.
6:22 → 6:24
SPEAKER_01It was established over a hundred years
6:24 → 6:27
SPEAKER_01ago by Carl von Linder and since
6:27 → 6:29
SPEAKER_01then minutely improved and enlarged.
6:29 → 6:32
SPEAKER_01With a goodly number of patents, our technical experts
6:32 → 6:34
SPEAKER_01and engineers have proven, year
6:34 → 6:36
SPEAKER_01for year, how eagerly they follow
6:36 → 6:38
SPEAKER_01in that genius's footsteps.
6:38 → 6:40
SPEAKER_01This transforms ability into mastery
6:40 → 6:43
SPEAKER_01and technology into great art.
6:43 → 6:44
SPEAKER_01Behind this door, a lot of
6:44 → 6:46
SPEAKER_01things happen that the competition is
6:46 → 6:47
SPEAKER_01burning to find out about.
6:48 → 6:51
SPEAKER_01Only Linde has complete command over the measurement
6:51 → 6:54
SPEAKER_01and transmission of the temperature inside a block
6:54 → 6:56
SPEAKER_01and thus total control of the
6:56 → 6:58
SPEAKER_01brazing process like nobody else.
6:59 → 7:01
SPEAKER_01the blocks are created in superior quality.
7:06 → 7:08
SPEAKER_01Welding the blocks together to the
7:08 → 7:10
SPEAKER_01largest heat exchangers of the world
7:10 → 7:13
SPEAKER_01can easily lead to delusions of grandeur.
7:13 → 7:15
SPEAKER_01No wonder with dimensions like these.
7:15 → 7:18
SPEAKER_01But not just in vacuum brazing.
7:18 → 7:20
SPEAKER_01No, in every individual step, Linde
7:20 → 7:22
SPEAKER_01applies the highest available technology.
7:23 → 7:25
SPEAKER_01Here, for example, the headers are
7:25 → 7:28
SPEAKER_01welded without stress or stationary welds
7:28 → 7:29
SPEAKER_01and because of that with
7:29 → 7:31
SPEAKER_01significantly better welding joints.
7:36 → 7:38
SPEAKER_01German skilled workers are already known
7:38 → 7:40
SPEAKER_01for their top quality performance right now.
7:40 → 7:42
SPEAKER_01But before they can weld at Linde,
7:42 → 7:45
SPEAKER_01we train them for an additional three years.
7:45 → 7:47
SPEAKER_01This forms a basis for many more
7:47 → 7:50
SPEAKER_01years of trustworthy and successful collaboration.
7:54 → 7:57
SPEAKER_01This is the production line for the heat exchangers.
7:58 → 8:00
SPEAKER_01Our masterpieces are checked for tightness.
8:01 → 8:03
SPEAKER_01While some of our competitors only use
8:03 → 8:05
SPEAKER_01air, we do it with helium.
8:05 → 8:06
SPEAKER_01It's far more precise.
8:06 → 8:08
SPEAKER_01That's why you should tolerate nothing
8:08 → 8:10
SPEAKER_01less in your cold boxes.
8:10 → 8:12
SPEAKER_01They're just too important for your plants.
8:29 → 8:32
SPEAKER_01A coil-wound heat exchanger like this one
8:32 → 8:34
SPEAKER_01is the baby of an entire crew, and
8:34 → 8:36
SPEAKER_01the brother of the plate-fin heat exchanger.
8:38 → 8:41
SPEAKER_01The winding process takes up to nine months.
8:41 → 8:43
SPEAKER_01This type of heat exchanger can be
8:43 → 8:45
SPEAKER_01made of the widest variety of alloys.
8:45 → 8:48
SPEAKER_01This also predestines it for corrosive
8:48 → 8:50
SPEAKER_01media and rapid temperature change.
8:51 → 8:52
SPEAKER_01It's sturdier than the plate-fin
8:52 → 8:54
SPEAKER_01heat exchanger during start-ups and
8:54 → 8:57
SPEAKER_01shut-downs, and especially by upset conditions.
8:59 → 9:01
SPEAKER_01Here too, various process fluids
9:01 → 9:04
SPEAKER_01can be treated simultaneously in a single exchanger.
9:05 → 9:07
SPEAKER_01A gigantic baby like this one can
9:07 → 9:09
SPEAKER_01weigh up to several hundred metric tons.
9:12 → 9:14
SPEAKER_01Another secret among many is how
9:14 → 9:17
SPEAKER_01the Rohwurzlers managed to weld 10mm
9:17 → 9:20
SPEAKER_01tubes with a wall thickness of only 1mm
9:20 → 9:24
SPEAKER_01cheek by jowl into a 200mm thick base plate.
9:25 → 9:27
SPEAKER_01We'll just reveal one thing.
9:27 → 9:29
SPEAKER_01Without lasers, it would be impossible.
9:33 → 9:35
SPEAKER_01And this charming member of the
9:35 → 9:38
SPEAKER_01exchanger family reveals its main strengths
9:38 → 9:42
SPEAKER_01as an isothermal reactor for the synthesis of ammonia
9:42 → 9:44
SPEAKER_01and methanol, as a water bath vaporizer
9:44 → 9:47
SPEAKER_01for supplying nitrogen in emergency
9:47 → 9:49
SPEAKER_01situations to steel plants, and of course
9:49 → 9:52
SPEAKER_01for liquifying natural gas in places
9:52 → 9:56
SPEAKER_01like Norway, China, Brunei, Australia and Sakhalin.
9:57 → 10:00
SPEAKER_01More than 1,000 heat exchangers designed and wound by