0:01 → 0:06
masculine_0Hey guys, Steven here. Every man knows how important tools can be and getting the job done.
0:06 → 0:10
masculine_0And in today's video I'm going to do a quick review of my favorite man tool of all time.
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masculine_0That's the Letterman Charge TTI Multi Tool and I'm going to give you the number one reason why I think every man should buy one and carry it with him every day.
0:19 → 0:19
masculine_0Let's get started.
0:24 → 0:34
masculine_0So a couple summers back I had some extra birthday money sitting around and I decided that I wanted to buy something manly and I wanted to buy something that I could use every day if I jumped online and googled top
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masculine_0preppers gear, top survival gear and I saw a pattern of guys recommending buying a multi tool for everyday carry.
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masculine_0So I decided hey, up to that time I had only been using a pocket knife,
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masculine_0let's go ahead and upgrade to a multi tool.
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masculine_0So that's why I decided I was going to buy a multi tool.
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masculine_0But at the same time, I was watching some Rango Star videos and I had just seen John Neiman's Birth of a Tool video.
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masculine_0And those really inspired me and influenced the way I think about buying tools,
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masculine_0especially tools that you use every day,
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masculine_0and the importance of spending more money on something if you're going to use it a lot.
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masculine_0So I wanted to buy a tool that was of good build quality,
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masculine_0a tool that I could use for a long time,
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masculine_0a tool that made the work that I did enjoyable and it would help me be more productive and also something that I could possibly pass down to my children in the future.
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masculine_0So that's why I decided to buy a nicer multi tool.
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masculine_0And after doing all the reviews,
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masculine_0looking at all the reviews online,
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masculine_0doing research for quite a bit, I came down to the decision to buy a Leatherman charge.
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masculine_0TTI. Without further ado,
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masculine_0let's go ahead and look at the specs. All right,
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masculine_0let's do a quick
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masculine_0look at the 19 different tools within the Leatherman Charge TTI.
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masculine_0This is the leather case that I got when I bought mine.
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masculine_0There's also a nylon case as well.
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masculine_0So this is the leather case.
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masculine_0This is what mine looks like here.
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masculine_0Little Leatherman logo down here.
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masculine_0It's got some stretch to it on the side here and belt loop.
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masculine_0So this is the leather case.
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masculine_0Let's open this thing up.
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masculine_0All right, so this is the Leatherman Charge Tti and let's do a quick overview of the 19 different tools inside.
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masculine_0There are Titanium grips here,
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masculine_0on the outside, these parts here.
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masculine_0That's the name TTI for Titanium.
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masculine_0So overall it's very beautiful.
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masculine_0Tool. Let's start looking at the four
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masculine_0powder accessible tools,
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masculine_0the outside accessible tools. This is when the tool is closed you can access these four tools.
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masculine_0The first tool I want to look at is my favorite and it's the
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3:02 → 3:03
masculine_0blade. As
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masculine_0you can see there, it's a
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masculine_0beautiful, very sharp,
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masculine_0well made heavy duty blade
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masculine_0and it's locked in place by this here.
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masculine_0So when I push down on that,
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masculine_0just like that
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masculine_0again if I open it up.
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masculine_0Second, let's take a look at the serrated blade.
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masculine_0This is also a nice beautiful blade
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masculine_0so you can see the serrated edge here.
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masculine_0It's very very sharp.
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masculine_0This here is a cutting hook and in the case like you were in your car,
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masculine_0in your car
3:57 → 4:04
masculine_0you drive it into a river, fall off a bridge and you need to get out and you had this thing on you.
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masculine_0Supposedly you could slide this against your body underneath the seat belt and then pull and the seat belt would be cut by this hook right here.
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masculine_0So, and the nice thing about this blade here along with the S30V is you can open it just with one hand
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masculine_0and then over to the S30V boom.
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masculine_0So one hand access,
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masculine_0very nice. In case you've got your other hand busy and you'd open it up,
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masculine_0you can still do it with one hand.
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masculine_0Next we have
4:42 → 4:42
4:45 → 4:45
masculine_0Super sharp
4:48 → 4:50
masculine_0saw. Now this saw,
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masculine_0like the other two blades, is very sharp
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masculine_0and very well made.
4:59 → 5:00
masculine_0The teeth
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masculine_0are very very sharp
5:03 → 5:06
masculine_0and I've used this to cut through bamboo,
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masculine_0cut through branches
5:09 → 5:16
masculine_0when I'm doing some trimming outside. Not for heavy duty stuff but for small stuff this does a great job of cutting.
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masculine_0And finally on the outside we have the
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masculine_0two files. This is the diamond coded file on this side and I use it mainly just to you know,
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masculine_0do some
5:31 → 5:35
masculine_0filing of my fingernails and on the other side you have the wood and metal file.
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masculine_0So very good quality and on the outside here we have this this is a belt clip.
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masculine_0I actually don't use this because I I love my tool too much to hang it on a belt.
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masculine_0I'm afraid that if I do hang it on my belt and it was to be bumped and this thing falls off of my belt,
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masculine_0I wouldn't feel it and I would lose lose it.
5:58 → 6:01
masculine_0So I know a lot of guys like to just clip it on the belt.
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masculine_0I I personally don't do that. So I can just push in on this mechanism here.
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masculine_0This hinge and that will allow me to pull it off
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masculine_0to undo
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masculine_0and it comes out. So this mechanism is important as we go in and look inside at the other tools.
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masculine_0This is the locking mechanism here for all these inner tools.
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masculine_0So let's open this up. Not a bad looking set of pliers.
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masculine_0This is the new nose pliers here
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masculine_0and you'll notice a set of crimpers next to that.
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masculine_0So it's not a full needle nose pliers.
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masculine_0Some guys like a little bit more surface area and so they don't like it.
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masculine_0I I think it's plenty of surface for the the types of jobs that I use this thing on like twisting wire etcetera.
6:52 → 7:03
masculine_0So that's the needle nose pliers. You have crimpers in here and then your normal pliers in here and this is what the teeth look like on the inside needle
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masculine_0nose primpers and regular pliers.
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masculine_0So I think it's plenty of space for
7:12 → 7:14
masculine_0everyday use. It's great.
7:14 → 7:16
masculine_0All right, So we have the hard wire cutters here.
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masculine_0That's this center circle part here.
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masculine_0And then you have the wire cutters there,
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masculine_0a very, very solid set of pliers and I like it a lot.
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masculine_0It's great. While it's in this position,
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masculine_0I'm going to show you really quickly, It does have
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masculine_0a ruler. So you got inches on the top here and centimeters on the bottom.
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masculine_0So if you were to measure from here all the way over to the side,
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masculine_0you'd have a total of
7:46 → 7:51
masculine_0just over 7 inches and you'd have over 13 centimeters,
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masculine_014 centimeters. So there is a ruler there.
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masculine_0OK, now on the inside tools here,
7:57 → 8:03
masculine_0let's pull these out. First we have a bottle opener and it's a good bottle opener.
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masculine_0As you can see there's kind of a sharper edge here on this.
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masculine_0And down here you have wire stripper.
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masculine_0Now I've never had to use this, but it's there in case you didn't need to use it.
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8:18 → 8:19
masculine_0and inside here is the large,
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masculine_0inside here is the large bit driver.
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masculine_0That's this right here. So let
8:26 → 8:30
masculine_0me show you really quickly I'm going to push this in and so I can close that.
8:30 → 8:33
masculine_0Watch what happens when I open up the bit driver here,
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masculine_0Snap Genius.
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masculine_0So push that in.
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masculine_0That's how it locks, so you've got to push this in here
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masculine_0to unlock it, and
8:54 → 8:55
masculine_0you can take
8:57 → 8:57
masculine_0this out
8:59 → 9:00
masculine_0and switch it around
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masculine_0from Flathead to Phillips.
9:12 → 9:17
masculine_0It's a rather narrow head, but it it does OK when you are tightening screws
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masculine_0and when you take this out. You can also
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masculine_0take this bad boy if you go ahead and purchase the extra bits.
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masculine_0Let me take this out and put this in here like so
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masculine_0and you'll see
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masculine_0and it locks it in place there.
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masculine_0If you use
9:56 → 9:59
masculine_0this type of thing quite often then it could be very,
9:59 → 10:01
masculine_0very helpful. There's also an extension that I don't have
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masculine_0in case you needed to **** things or tighten things,
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masculine_0and the distance from this here to the pit head is too short.
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masculine_0If you need an they have an extension and it comes out a couple inches.
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masculine_0So that's very, very helpful if you need to get it in a tight space and this body is just too thick for you,
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masculine_0so you can look into that as well. So that's the extra bits.
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masculine_0I personally haven't used them a lot, but just in case,
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masculine_0I always keep it in my pouch. It doesn't really add a lot of extra weight,
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masculine_0so I put this here in my pouch behind there.
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masculine_0My tool can go in front of it with
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masculine_0no problem, so it all fits in there.
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masculine_0So let's look over at the other side here.
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masculine_0We have
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masculine_0on this side a medium screwdriver here and this is helpful for opening up like cans,
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masculine_0paint cans or
10:59 → 11:02
masculine_0no powder cans. Different things.
11:02 → 11:04
masculine_0I've used that for opening up canisters.
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masculine_0I wouldn't use it for any heavy like pry bar types of jobs.
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masculine_0Let's take the other one out here.
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masculine_0This next one is a small bit driver and as you can see there,
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masculine_0that's a really tiny Flathead screwdriver and you can use this for like glasses or for toys sometimes have these battery compartments where the screws are super tiny and
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masculine_0this comes in handy for that. So you can see the mechanism that holds the **** in there.
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masculine_0Now it's off in place and now I open it up,
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11:44 → 11:46
masculine_0So this is in here, my hands are kind of wet.
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masculine_0There we go.
11:53 → 11:55
masculine_0So Flathead,
11:55 → 12:02
masculine_0I can flip it around and for the bits you just have these two here you have the Flathead and you have the
12:03 → 12:06
masculine_0Phillips. So this is a tiny
12:07 → 12:09
masculine_0screwdriver, very, very tiny,
12:11 → 12:15
masculine_0super super tiny, but useful for those tools or glasses
12:17 → 12:20
masculine_0and that's that. So I'll again push this in
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masculine_0and let's look at the last one and this is very,
12:25 → 12:28
masculine_0very helpful, especially when you're sitting around,
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masculine_0you got nothing to do and you see your closer fraying or something.
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masculine_0These are spring loaded scissors.
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masculine_0As you can see here, when you push down,
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masculine_0it moves this little metal bar here.
12:50 → 12:50
12:52 → 12:53
masculine_0scissors. Very good scissors,
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masculine_0but so small. You wouldn't want to use it for big jobs
12:57 → 13:00
masculine_0like arts and crafts where you're using scissors.
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masculine_0But if you're in a jam and you need the scissors,
13:02 → 13:04
masculine_0this is a great pair of scissors. Strong.
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masculine_0That's it for
13:08 → 13:10
masculine_0all of the inside tools.
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masculine_0Let me show you finally here a couple more secrets
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masculine_0on this side here,
13:22 → 13:26
masculine_0this side here. If you push this lever in right in here,
13:27 → 13:34
masculine_0here's this top notch here and use my fingernail and try to pull out this.
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masculine_0Look at that. Boom. There's a little little hook that you can use if you wanted to hook this onto something.
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masculine_0I personally have never used it, but it's there in case you wanted to hook it on something and you could
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masculine_0hook your tool
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masculine_0on that hook like a mini carabiner.
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13:55 → 13:57
masculine_0it's a complete hook there.
14:01 → 14:01
masculine_0It's there.
14:03 → 14:04
masculine_0And again,
14:05 → 14:12
masculine_0push in and then you can hide it in there and you'll see that this one here has that extra space.
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masculine_0That's for pushing this in and putting on
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masculine_0the belt clip if you needed.
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masculine_0I like it. That's the Leatherman charge TTI
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masculine_0guys. This has been one of the best investments I've made in a long,
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masculine_0long time. I mean, I take this thing with me all the time.
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masculine_0It's on my hip, on my belt.
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masculine_0I wear it every single day and I use it in all kinds of circumstances.
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masculine_0Its strengths I think are are the build quality.
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masculine_0This thing is rock solid. I think the convenience of just having all of these functions with you at all times is amazing and the convenience that it provides,
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masculine_0it saves me so much time. So these things added up,
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masculine_0create a wonderful value of a tool.
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masculine_0So I highly recommend it. And did I mention it comes with a 25 year warranty?
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masculine_0Let me tell you a quick story. I took this thing into the store and I was asking them if they could help me to loosen up because I think the pliers here need a little bit of greasing to kind of loosen up.
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masculine_0That kind of got stiff. I handed the pliers to lady in the Leatherman shop.
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masculine_0She took it, dropped in a box and pulled out a brand new one and gave it to me.
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masculine_0And I was speechless. I was so shocked that she took my tool,
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masculine_0tossed it in the box as if it was nothing,
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masculine_0and gave me a brand new one. So if you have sentimental attachment to your original one,
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masculine_0then I would go in and ask them to see if they can return the original 1 to you.
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masculine_0But if you don't and you're OK with getting a brand new one,
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masculine_0take it into the Leatherman shop and they'll give you a brand new one.
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masculine_0Now your mileage might vary.
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masculine_0This was at the Leatherman store in Portland,
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16:04 → 16:09
masculine_0but I was totally blown away. Some other guy came in after me bringing in his different Leatherman.
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masculine_0They did the same thing and gave him a brand new whatever he had.
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masculine_0It was like a wave or something like that,
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masculine_0but absolutely amazing.
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masculine_0Astounding service,
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masculine_0no questions asked. It was great.
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masculine_0But there are some weaknesses for this multi tool.
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masculine_0It's not perfect #1,
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masculine_0it's not the only multi tool on the market.
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masculine_0There are lots of competitors
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masculine_0there. There are multi tools put out by Leatherman of course,
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masculine_0but also by Swiss Victoria Knox.
16:38 → 16:44
masculine_0Also SOG and Columbia River Knife Tool puts out some multi tools.
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masculine_0So it's not the only one. You can check it out and see if you like some of the other ones.
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masculine_0Number two, I would say the weight of this thing is a big deterrent.
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masculine_0I would think for a lot of guys this thing is heavy.
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masculine_0If you drop this thing on your foot, you probably break your toe so it's heavy.
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masculine_0It's not for the guy who likes to travel light and that's why I have this thing on my belt.
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masculine_0I would not recommend putting this thing in your pockets.
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masculine_0Your short pockets probably bring your shorts down and you look like an idiot.
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masculine_0So this thing is heavy.
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masculine_0That's number two and #3. The price of this thing is pretty steep.
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masculine_0Now I use it every day, so I don't mind.
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masculine_0But if you're not going to use this every day,
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masculine_0170, a 160 bucks is quite steep for a tool and that might deter some of you guys from going out and buying it.
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masculine_0It is a
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masculine_0higher sticker price than other multi tools out there.
17:42 → 17:44
masculine_0So it's not the only one in the market.
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masculine_0It is heavy and the price is higher than other multi tools out there.
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masculine_0So these three things take into consideration,
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masculine_0but the question of the hour is, is this the right multi tool for you?
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masculine_0And I think that depends on a lot of things.
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masculine_0Number one, are you someone who wears a belt every day like I do or do you carry a bag with you?
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masculine_0If you are, then the weight of this is not going to be an issue.
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masculine_0It's a perfect multi tool for you if you go camping,
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masculine_0if you're a construction worker, you work on a farm,
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masculine_0or if you like to tinker. This is the perfect multi tool for all of those things.
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masculine_0And sometimes you you're in the house and your tools are off in the garage or downstairs in the basement and you just want to get something small done,
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masculine_0this can fit the bill. This is a perfect multi tool in those cases.
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masculine_0Now if you're someone who likes to travel light then this is not going to be a good choice for you
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masculine_0if cost is an issue.
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masculine_0This is on the higher end of multi tools,
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masculine_0so if it if you don't have 160 a 170 bucks then this is not the multi tool for you.
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masculine_0Yeah, you decide based on what you need.
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masculine_0And the end of the day this thing was made for everyday carry for small and medium sized jobs,
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masculine_0not the heavy duty stuff. And this brings me to my number one reason why I think every man should buy a multi tool and carry with them every day.
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masculine_0And that's to always be ready as men.
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masculine_0It's so important for us to be ready for action,
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masculine_0to always be ready to help people,
19:10 → 19:13
masculine_0to fix things, to protect the people that we love,
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masculine_0people around us. And having a multi tool can do that.
19:17 → 19:21
masculine_0The tools inside this bad boy will help you do so many things.
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masculine_0And in the case you run into a psycho on the street,
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masculine_0you got a knife here to protect your family and loved ones.
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masculine_0So I definitely recommend every man having a multi tool and carrying it with you.
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masculine_0I have used this tool for almost any type of job under the sun.
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masculine_0Anything you can imagine, whether that be opening packages,
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masculine_0boxes, canisters, bottles,
19:41 → 19:43
masculine_0to cutting paper,
19:43 → 19:48
masculine_0to cutting my fingernails to cutting crimping and twisting wire,
19:49 → 19:51
masculine_0tightening my my dog's chain and leash,
19:52 → 19:55
masculine_0cutting unsightly hairs out of my nose and on my ear,
19:57 → 20:00
masculine_0Fixing my daughter's bicycle chain that fell off.
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masculine_0I use it to sharpen tools with the file.
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masculine_0So I highly recommend the Leatherman charge TTI and I think you guys would definitely benefit from having one yourself.
20:12 → 20:17
masculine_0Thank you guys so much for watching. Go ahead and click on the link in the description area below for a full review.
20:17 → 20:20
masculine_0With the specs, pictures, and a Leatherman production video,
20:20 → 20:22
masculine_0it's pretty awesome. It's pretty manly.
20:22 → 20:25
masculine_0If you like this video, go ahead and subscribe for more.
20:25 → 20:29
masculine_0Leave a comment down below and let me know what's your favorite everyday carry tool.
20:29 → 20:31
masculine_0I'm Steven, your brother in the journey,
20:31 → 20:32
masculine_0and we'll see you guys next time.