Der Knecht - Bonanza S2|36

Bei einem Jagdunfall schießt sich Bens Nachbar Tom Edwards mit seinem eigenen Gewehr in den Rücken. Ben kann ihm das Leben retten - doch Tom ist nach dem Unfall völlig verändert und gerät unter den schlechten Einfluss seines Knechts. Er fängt an zu trinken und behauptet sogar, Ben hätte ihm in den Rücken geschossen. Dennoch versucht Ben weiterhin zu helfen, was vergeblich bleibt. Auch Edwards' Frau ist verzweifelt, und bald empfindet Ben für sie mehr als nur Freundschaft ... Quelle -> Sat1Gold ->

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German Propaganda Newsreel. Part 4, on the German "Bulge" offensive of Dec. 16, 1944. Shows a V-1 bomb in the air, a rocket barrage, artillery firing, and U.S. POW's and dead. German tanks and infantry are rushed to the front. Record Group 242: National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seize

Things To Come 1939

Things to Come (also known as Shape of Things to Come and in promotional material as H. G. Wells' Things to Come) is a 1936 British science fiction film produced by Alexander Korda, directed by William Cameron Menzies, and written by H. G. Wells. The film stars Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph

Things To Come 1939 - Colorized

Things to Come (also known as Shape of Things to Come and in promotional material as H. G. Wells' Things to Come) is a 1936 British science fiction film produced by Alexander Korda, directed by William Cameron Menzies, and written by H. G. Wells. The film stars Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph