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Hey, Psych2Goers, welcome back to our channel and thank you so much for all the love that you've given us.
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Your ongoing support has helped us make psychology and mental health more accessible to everyone.
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As a quick disclaimer we wanted our viewers to know that this is a fun activity video and this video should not be taken too seriously or used as any kind of diagnostic criteria.
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With that said, let's continue.
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Did you know that not only do you have a physical age which changes with the ever turning wheel of time but that you also have a mental age that will never change.
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Different from your physical age, your mental age is how old you are emotionally and psychologically.
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Your physical age and your mental age do not have to be the same.
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As an adult, you can have a low mental age processing a childlike view of the world around you.
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A young person can have a high mental age indicating that you're wise beyond your years.
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It's important to note that mental age is also not your IQ number but rather an expression of how you feel inside.
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Figuring out what your mental age is is a great way to become more self-aware.
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If you'd like to learn about your mental age now, grab a pen and paper or open up the notes app on your device.
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You can take this fun quiz to determine your mental age.
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There are 10 questions to answer, so make sure you mark your answers as we go. Let's begin.
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1. What do you usually do when you make a mistake?
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A, admit you made an error and try to fix it.
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B, try to figure out why you made the mistake in the first place or C, laugh at your silly mistake and ask for help so you don't make another one.
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2. what's the first thing you do when a friend cancels plans on you last minute?
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A, tell them it happens and find another way to spend your time.
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B, feel upset about it but move on eventually. C, try to find another day to hang out and have fun together.
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3. how would you normally react if someone was angry with you?
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A, give them space to be angry before talking to them.
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B, try to work things out right away or C, tell them jokes until they forget their anger.
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4. what's the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
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A, pay off your bills and put the rest in a savings account.
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B, go on vacation and make new happy memories or C, buy that cool thing you've been wanting for a while.
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5. what's the first thing you would do if you had to choose between two equally good things?
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A, think on your previous experiences so you make an informed decision based on facts.
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B, make a list of pros and cons and then choose the option with more pros or C, ask someone for their opinion and do what they suggest.
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6. how do you usually handle a major disagreement in the workplace or in school?
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A, calmly discuss the disagreement and try to come up with a compromise.
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B, go to a supervisor or teacher who would be able to help figure out what to do or C, get the other person to see your side of things.
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7. what would you usually do if you had a big project due tomorrow?
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A, get started on it right away so you'll be able to relax later.
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B, take some time to relax first and then start working on it as soon as you're done relaxing or C, alternate between working on it and taking breaks.
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8. which of your responsibilities would you eliminate if you could?
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A, paying bills. B, doing laundry or C, picking up after yourself.
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9. how would you habitually react when someone compliments you?
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A, accept the compliment and give them one in return.
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B, accept the compliment and thank whoever complimented you or C, don't accept the compliment by saying you don't deserve it.
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And 10. how do you normally respond when you embarrass yourself?
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A, acknowledge and validate your feelings but realize it doesn't matter in the long run.
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B, try to pretend like nothing happened but internally obsess over the feeling of embarrassment or C, feel upset over it and possibly even cry.
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Okay, are you ready for your results?
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If you got mostly A's your mental age is between 40 and 55.
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Your mindset is more self-assured and secure. You tend to think about things in a matured manner.
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If you answered B the most, your mental age is 20 to 40 years old.
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You struggle with finding your way and though it may be difficult, you always wind up on the right path in the end.
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If you answered mostly C's, your mental age is between 10 and 20 years old and your perception of the world is young and bright.
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When I took the test, my mental age was rated higher than my chronological age and I agree with my results.
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I've always kind of felt like an old soul.
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Do you feel like your mental age is aligned with your actual age? What score did you get? Let us know in the comments below.
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Don't forget to like and share this video if you had fun taking the quiz.
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The studies and references used are listed in the description below.
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Make sure to hit the subscribe button for more Psych2Go videos.
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And thank you so much for watching, see you next time.