Lerne die Grundlagen über Kohle, Öl und Kohlenwasserstoffgase als Teil der organischen Chemie.
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Dieses Video ist Teil von 'Chemistry for All' - einem Chemie-Bildungsprojekt unserer Charity Fuse Foundation - der Organisation, hinter The Fuse School. Diese Videos können in einem umgedrehten Klassenraum-Modell oder als Wiederholungshilfe verwendet werden.
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Sometimes different species work together to help each other out. This is known as mutualism.
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These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid.
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Here's an example of the different niches in the savannah ecosystem.
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These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid.
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Learn the basics about the covalent bonding of hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen as a part of the overall topic of properties of matter. The noble gas structure and covalent bonding is also discussed.
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This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Educa