NOVA is the most-watched prime time science series on American television, reaching an average of five million viewers weekly. Now in its fourth decade of production, the series remains committed to producing in-depth science programming in the form of one-hour documentaries and long-form mini-series, from the latest breakthroughs in technology to the deepest mysteries of the natural world. NOVA is produced by WGBH Boston and airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on most PBS stations. This channel was not officially created by NOVA. It was created by alugha to bundle all the videos from this producer into one channel and make it easier to locate them.

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The Grand Canyon: How It Formed

The theory of how the Grand Canyon was formed is shown in this animation from NOVA, and features rare footage of a phenomenon known as debris flow. CREDITS: LICENSE:

The Dynamic Sun

In this video from NOVA’s Sun Lab, learn about the Sun’s ever-changing surface and magnetic field. Images and animations illustrate how the Sun’s magnetic field lines are affected by the motion of the Sun’s plasma. Over time, the magnetic field becomes twisted and more complex, which increases solar

The Anatomy of the Sun

In this video from NOVA’s Sun Lab, learn about the Sun’s composition and structure. The Sun is a plasma, primarily made of hydrogen with smaller amounts of other elements. Animations and images illustrate the physical and behavioral properties of the Sun’s six regions: the core, radiative zone, conv

The Sun's Energy

In this video from NOVA’s Sun Lab, explore nuclear fusion and the balance of energy in the Sun. Intense heat and pressure in the Sun’s core cause protons to fuse together to form helium atoms, a process that releases large amounts of energy. This nuclear reaction—the same process that takes place in

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

In this video from NOVA’s Sun Lab, examine how scientists use electromagnetic radiation to learn about the Sun. The process of nuclear fusion in the core of the Sun produces energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, or light. The wavelength of photons (particles that carry electromagnetic ene

The Elements: Forged in Stars

Fusion, which occurs when atomic nuclei combine to form new elements, is extremely powerful. All the stars in the universe, including the Sun, are nuclear furnaces fueled by fusion. Through fusion, stars are responsible for forming all the naturally occurring elements heavier than hydrogen and heliu

Total Solar Eclipse Animation

Solar eclipses result from the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. Total solar eclipses — in which the Sun is completely blocked by the Moon — are a spectacular and rare sight to witness. In this animation adapted from NOVA, see why solar eclipses occur and observe a simulated total eclipse. This

The Coriolis Effect Due to Earth's Rotation

Learn how Earth’s rotation causes the Coriolis effect, with this video from NOVA. Use this resource to visualize the abstract concept of the Coriolis effect and to provide opportunities for students to use evidence to support a claim about the influence of the Coriolis effect on hurricanes, jet stre

Personal DNA Testing

In this video from NOVA scienceNOW, take a behind-the-scenes look at the process of personal DNA testing, and hear more about the innovative Personal Genome Project. CREDITS: LICENSE:

How DNA Replicates

This narrated animation from Interactive NOVA: "The Secret of Life" shows the double helix structure of DNA and how the molecule replicates. The segment illustrates how DNA "unzips" to form templates for the new strands and how complementary nucleotides bind together like the rungs of a ladder. This

NOVA: Percy Julian: Forgotten Genius | Getting an Education

Learn about the education of chemist Percy Julian. Julian's early educational years paralleled an educational movement that prepared African Americans for industrial jobs, the growing white supremacist movement, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Julian would eventually move north, and finally to Eur