
Since I was about 20 years old, I've dreamed of owning a place in the sun somewhere near the Mediterranean. After some searching/waiting the dream came true in February 2019. An apartment of 125 sqm, 5 rooms+bathroom & kitchen at the top floor of a high-lying pink house with dark green shutters (former school, built ≈ 1890). I also have a garden (former vigneto=vineyard) of approx. 400 sqm with a sea view, water well, pergola, a small stone house (former chapel) of 25 sqm with Ligurian vaults & a flat roof (a future terrace). The place has been abandoned for about 30 years with a leaking roof, massively damaged inner ceilings, broken window panes, a freely ravaging garden etc, so extensive renovation work is required. I'll do most of the renovation work myself. Partly to minimize the cost, but mostly because it's fun, inspiring & to get it exactly as I want it. Probably many years of toil & hard work, but I'm in no hurry & the journey itself is also the goal. 🤓🇮🇹🤓

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