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PremiumNo payment option selected. This plan is either free or not buyable at all.
With the Premium plan you may
  • Gain 80,550 monthly credits
  • Add 10 audio tracks to your multilingual content
  • Use the NEW dubbr online tools
  • Use priority e-mail
  • Hide comments and insights
Supported Content
  • articles
  • videos
  • podcasts
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Extra monthly credits for your extended needs

1,500 monthly credits

2 audio tracks
and more features…

For your first video experience.

200 monthly credits

2 audio tracks
and more features…
Small Business

For the company with international connections.

15,450 monthly credits

5 audio tracks
and more features…

For companies with a global vision.

80,550 monthly credits

10 audio tracks
and more features…
Let's Talk

For podcast starters

6,440 monthly credits

2 audio tracks
and more features…
Radio Shaker

For emerging talk masters

19,800 monthly credits

6 audio tracks
and more features…

For producers that want it all

98,000 monthly credits

Unlimited audio tracks
and more features…