New York, New York - alugha in Big Apple!

The alugha old hand CEO Bernd Korz and one of the very first staff members Arthur Rewak spent one week in NEW YORK CITY, attending a workshop!

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“There’s nothing you can’t do now you’re in New York”? True! This is the conclusion of Bernd and Arthur after one week in the “Empire”. One whole week, our CEO and our leader of the creative team have been part of the “Step NYC Program”. For one whole week, they gave 110%, pursued an uncompromising program and experienced an unbelievable amount of new things! During that week, Bernd, Arthur and 14 further German Start ups were taught how the US market is operating, ticking and acting. It was about the acquisition of amounts, rights, public relations, the differences to Germany - and of course about networking! 

“It was absolutely great!” - alugha CEO Bernd Korz 

During the week, the particular Start ups of the 15 participating companies were in the thick of the actions. “The speaker, workshop leader, Start ups and other people took an intensive look at our company and then told us their honest, funded and humbled opinion”, says Arthur Rewak. This enabled us to see the own company from the eyes of others. A kind of “reflection” at the end of the year was exactly, what alugha needed! As a result and value of the workshop, there will be profound changes at alugha in 2017. So be curious! 


In order to give you a rough layout in terms of alugha 2.0, let us say so much: We will heave alugha to the next evolutionary stage. There will be significant changes in structure, staff, development, PR and our image! Arthur Rewak promises: “The program has helped us to develop a new communication strategy and focus our attention on specific products that make us stand out. This is exactly what we will take to our hearts and use it in a targeted way to the future promotion of our brand”. 

New York is … 

“THE city” - Bernd Korz, alugha CEO

“Stunning. I love it” - Arthur Rewak, leader of creative team 

Last but not least and above all, we want to know one thing: What is the summary of the two for the alugha year 2016?

Bernd is very proud of the insane progress we made as a company in development and also as a team. “Homogenous growth” is one goal for him in 2017. 

Arthur says, that it is important to keep an eye on what you’ve already made. “We have grown very much during this time”, he says. 

We say: With a little wee-wee in the eyes with emotion we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year! 





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