Filter and categories - we make it simple!

By now, we have thousands of multilingual videos on alugha and the producer sites are growing and growing. So that you can find the videos even faster, we have recently added a filter function. Update, update, update!

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Since we started our update marathon in the last weeks, there have been still more functions in our pipeline, which can now be passed on to you bit by bit. Our testers have eagerly given feedback and we were allowed to perfect it more and more. This time we have again taken a look at the producer pages. Meanwhile these pages are more and more popular and we are also working hard to extend the functions. This year we have some producers with a large number of videos and more and more people wanted to be able to search and filter them.

Our developer Margarita took care of this matter directly, talked to our UX/UI team and together we found a very good solution which was so well received by our testers that we decided to release this new feature to you now.

So, enough "opening credits". What does the whole thing look like?



First of all I have not set a filter and get all the videos displayed. This producer now has 127 videos and serves several different topics. Now you can see them on the right at "Categories". The producer has recently had the possibility to select up to three different categories which fit to the video when uploading his video (I wrote you a detailed article about it, which you can look at again here). Now I can filter down as many videos as I want:



On the left side you can also set the duration of the video. And below that also the language (s). The filter works so that a video must meet all the properties specified in the filter to be displayed.

As soon as we have completed the last details (yes, after the update is before the update), we will also include this component in the global search in alugha and what always applies here is: We build the platform of course for us crazy people, but especially for YOU! So, if you have an idea, a suggestion, or a special function ... GO WITH IT!

With this in mind, I'm really looking forward to publishing the next article for another update for you.

Stay Tuned!

Bernd von alugha





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