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  • 📅 February 11–15, 2025
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didacta special:
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Short film "Beyond Climate Change - Flow" (long version)

The 10-minute short film from the German Federal Environment Agencys campaign "Factor X: Beyond Climate Change" explores one of our most urgent problems: the wasting of our natural resources. FLOW reflects our consumption-oriented lifestyle with impressive pictures and shows at the same time how global material flows interact. Figures and facts remind viewers of their responsibility without demotivating them. The film ends with a camera journey through the town of tomorrow with many examples of and approaches towards sustainable development. More information: http://www.beyondclimatechange.de/medien.html http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/ressourcen/index.htm

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Transforming Lives in Africa: Progress Update

Join Nancy, our project manager in Nairobi, as she shares heartfelt thanks and exciting updates on our ongoing projects in Africa. From upgrading schools to drilling wells and improving sanitation, discover how your support is making a real difference every day. Watch as we change lives one drop at

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