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5 Early Signs of A Toxic Love

Are you wondering if someone is in love with you? Or if the love toxic? In today's video, we'll be discussing a crucial topic that many of us have experienced or witnessed: toxic love. Love is a beautiful and transformative emotion, but sometimes it can take a toxic turn. So, we explore a few early signs of toxic love that often go unnoticed or are brushed aside. Whether you're in a relationship, currently dating, or simply curious about the dynamics of relationships, this video is a must-watch. Our aim is to empower you with the knowledge and awareness to identify toxic relationship patterns and make positive changes in your own life and relationships. So give this video a watch! #toxic #love #relationship Writer: Quintessa Monterroso (New writer) Editor: Caitlin McColl Script Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over: Amanda Silvera Animator: Naphia Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong Provide Feedback for this video: https://forms.gle/B1JAxZKn9XvJpXUQ7 Official Discord: https://discord.gg/EsWEvrJ Grab PSI plushy here: https://psych2go.shop/products/psych2go-plushie Discount code: "Loyalty" to get 15% off. Only first 50 people. REFERENCES Bettino, K., & Boland, M., Ph.D. (2021). What to know about people with toxic traits. Psych Central. psychcentral.com/health/things-you-absolutely-must-know-about-toxic-people#examples Borresen, K. (2019). Criticism Is the toxic habit that can slowly ruin your relationship. Huff Post. www.huffpost.com/entry/criticism-toxic-habit-ruin-relationship_l_5d41e484e4b0d24cde0a05f2 Cassano, O. (2023). What is blame-shifting in a relationship? Paired.com. www.paired.com/articles/blame-shifting-in-relationships Dawson, K., B, M., LMSW, & Harris, C. (2022). How to leave a toxic relationship, according to a psychologist. Brides. www.brides.com/how-to-leave-a-toxic-relationship-5105346 Drake, K., & Wade, D., LCSW (2021). What’s a toxic person and how to deal with them. Psych Central. psychcentral.com/health/things-you-absolutely-must-know-about-toxic-people#examples Farber, N., M.D, Ph.D., CLC, CPT, & Jordan, T. (2013). 5 Ways blaming hurts relationships…. Psychology Today. www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-blame-game/201303/5-ways-blaming-hurts-relationships Gaba, S., LCSW (2021). The difference between healthy and unhealthy love. Psychology Today. www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/addiction-and-recovery/202106/the-difference-between-healthy-and-unhealthy-love Lamothe, C., Raypole, C., & Lawrenz, L., PsyD (2022). Is your relationship toxic? What to look for. Healthline. www.healthline.com/health/toxic-relationship Lancer, D., JD, LMFT (2018). How secrets and lies destroy relationships. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201801/how-secrets-and-lies-destroy-relationships Pace, R. (2020). Here’s why you shouldn’t try to change your partner. Marriage.com https://www.marriage.com/advice/relationship/why-you-shouldnt-try-to-change-your-partner/ Ratson, M., MBA, MS, LMFT (2018). Is walking on eggshells making you resentful? GoodTherapy.org. https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/is-walking-on-eggshells-making-you-resentful-0719184#:~:text=Walking%20on%20eggshells%20over%20an,become%20resentful%20and%20aggressive%20yourself. WebMD Editorial Contributors, & Casarella, J., MD (2022). Signs of a toxic person. Web MD. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/signs-toxic-person#091e9c5e82092525-1-1 Transcript: alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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