6 个迹象表明你累了而不懒惰

懒惰和职业倦怠有时非常相似,以至于很难区分这两种现象。职业倦怠被定义为 “由于过度的、无法控制的压力而导致的情绪、身体和精神疲惫的负面状态”。为了更好地理解职业倦怠现象,尤其是当我们自己也面临这种风险时,以下是一些迹象,表明你所经历的不是懒惰,而是职业倦怠。 你有没有想过倦怠和抑郁之间的区别?观看此视频: https://youtu.be/bPSHOlvAlm8 免责声明: 此视频用于教育目的,基于个人意见, 不能替代专业建议,而是提供一般指导。请不要将此反馈为人身攻击。本视频旨在帮助任何感到有些困顿的人改善自我。我们建议您始终听从自己的直觉,做最适合自己的事。 编剧:Chloe Avenasa 剧本编辑:Rida Batool 剧本经理:Kelly Soong 英语配音:Amanda Silvera 动画师:Jonelz Leo (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClKvC_lsoe1yRmuDt7JhZew) YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 引用: Korunka, C., Tement, S., Zdrehus, C., & Borza, A. (2010). Burnout: Definition, recognition and prevention approaches. Family & Community Health: The Journal of Health Promotion & Maintenance, 43(3), 311-318. American Psychological Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition. APA Publishing; Washington, DC. Leiter, M. P., Bakker, A. B., & Maslach, C. (Eds.). (2014). Burnout at work: A psychological perspective. Psychology Press. Greenglass, E., Fiksenbaum, L., & Burke, R. J. (1996). Components of social support, buffering effects and burnout: Implications for psychological functioning. Anxiety, stress, and coping, 9(3), 185-197. Cropanzano, R., Rupp, D. E., & Byrne, Z. S. (2003). The relationship of emotional exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Applied psychology, 88(1), 160. 翻译和配音:alugha 点击此处观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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