
自动驾驶汽车有多安全?在广泛使用之前,它们应该有多安全?Risk Bites 深入探讨了自动驾驶汽车的安全性,并与科学家和新兴技术专家安德鲁·梅纳德一起,研究了我们如何理解自动驾驶汽车的风险和收益。 该视频是 Risk Bites 系列的一部分,该系列主题为 “公共利益技术 - 为公共利益服务的技术”。 #selfdriving #safety #risk #cars 有用链接 Safety in a World of Driverless Cars (Rand Corporation) https://www.rand.org/multimedia/audio/2018/02/15/safety-world-driverless-cars.html Why Waiting for Perfect Autonomous Vehicles May Cost Lives https://www.rand.org/blog/articles/2017/11/why-waiting-for-perfect-autonomous-vehicles-may-cost-lives.html After Tempe fatality, self-driving car developers must engage with public now or risk rejection https://theconversation.com/after-tempe-fatality-self-driving-car-developers-must-engage-with-public-now-or-risk-rejection-93681 Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2016 https://www.azdot.gov/docs/default-source/mvd-services/2016-crash-facts.pdf Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State. 2017 Preliminary Data https://www.ghsa.org/sites/default/files/2018-02/pedestrians18.pdf Redefining "Safety" for Self-Driving Cars https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/redefining-ldquo-safety-rdquo-for-self-driving-cars/ Waymo Safety Report 2017 https://storage.googleapis.com/sdc-prod/v1/safety-report/waymo-safety-report-2017.pdf GM Safety Report 2018 https://www.gm.com/content/dam/gm/en_us/english/selfdriving/gmsafetyreport.pdf Risk Bites 精简版 Risk Bites 精简视频比普通的 Risk Bites 视频更短、更轻 - 你没有心情看太重的东西时,可以给你注入有趣的想法! Risk Bites Risk Bites 视频由安德鲁·梅纳德(Andrew Maynard)与亚利桑那州立大学社会创新未来学院联合设计、创作和制作(http://sfis.asu.edu)。他们关注的问题包括风险评估和循证决策,以及与新兴技术相关的挑战以及公共利益技术带来的机遇。 Risk Bites 视频是根据知识共享许可 CC-BY-SA 制作的 背景音乐: Olive Musique 的《相信自己》。https://www.premiumbeat.com/royalty-free-tracks/believe-in-yourself-2 Risk Bites 是你了解风险的指南。我们涵盖了从理解和平衡日常产品的风险和益处,到更广泛的健康科学,到新兴技术的潜在影响,再到对风险认知的理解。如果你喜欢我们的视频,请订阅,并继续分享。 点击这里观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/RiskBites

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