ما يكشفه جدول نومك عنك

هل تساءلت يومًا عما يقوله جدول نومك عنك؟ ما الذي يملي حقًا اختيارك لجدول النوم؟ فيما يلي مقارنة بين النقيضين، قبرة الصباح وبومة الليل. الكتابة: Emmalina Alessandrya تحرير النص: Michal Mitchell إدارة النص: Kelly Soong التلعيق الصوتي (اللغة الإنجليزية): Amanda Silvera الرسوم المتحركة: Angela Yena Kim (https://www.instagram.com/yengelakim) إدارة يوتيوب: Cindy Cheong المراجع: Begley, S. (2022). The Brains of Early Birds and Night Owls. Newsweek. Retrieved from www.newsweek.com/brains-early-birds-and-night-owls-221768. BLASZCZAK-BOXE, A. (2022). Night owls and early birds have different personality traits. Retrieved from www.cbsnews.com/news/night-owls-and-early-birds-have-different-personality-traits/#:~:text=In%20a%20recent%20study%2C%20researchers,tend%20to%20be%20more%20persistent. Caci, H., Robert, P., & Boyer, P. (2004). Novelty seekers and impulsive subjects are low in morningness. European Psychiatry, 19(2), 79-84. doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2003.09.007 Edwins, A. (2022). People Who Sleep Late Are Actually Smarter And More Creative. Retrieved from www.linkedin.com/pulse/people-who-sleep-late-actually-smarter-more-creative-edwin-andrews/ Espie, C. (2022). Sleepio. Retrieved from www.sleepio.com/articles/sleep-science/do-you-really-get-people-who-are-owls-and-others-w/#:~:text=However%2C%20in%20truth%2C%20most%20of,as%20well%20as%20sleep%20timing. Giampietro, M., & Cavallera, G. (2007). Morning and evening types and creative thinking. Personality And Individual Differences, 42(3), 453-463. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2006.06.027 Is It Better to Be a Night Owl or Early Bird?. Healthline. (2022). Retrieved from www.healthline.com/health/sleep/night-owl-vs-early-bird#night-owls. Jarrett, C. (2022). Early risers and night owls: A neuroscientist explains who is happiest | BBC Science Focus Magazine. Sciencefocus.com. Retrieved from www.sciencefocus.com/news/early-risers-and-night-owls-a-neuroscientist-explains-who-is-happiest/. Kroes, D. (2022). Night Owls Are Smarter & Have Higher IQs | Peninsula Doctor. Peninsula Doctor. Retrieved from www.peninsuladoctor.com/blog/night-owls-are-smarter-more-creative-have-higher-iqs/. Randler, C. (2007). Morningness–Eveningness and Satisfaction with Life. Social Indicators Research, 86(2), 297-302. doi.org/10.1007/s11205-007-9139-x Roberts, R., & Kyllonen, P. (1999). Morningness–eveningness and intelligence: early to bed, early to rise will likely make you anything but wise!. Personality And Individual Differences, 27(6), 1123-1133. doi.org/10.1016/s0191-8869(99)00054-9 Schoedel, R., Pargent, F., Au, Q., Völkel, S., Schuwerk, T., Bühner, M., & Stachl, C. (2020). To Challenge the Morning Lark and the Night Owl: Using Smartphone Sensing Data to Investigate Day–Night Behaviour Patterns. European Journal Of Personality, 34(5), 733-752. doi.org/10.1002/per.2258 Scientists say there may be 6 types of sleepers, from ‘night owls’ to ‘woodcocks.’ Here’s how to find which one you are.. Insider. (2022). Retrieved from www.insider.com/which-chronotype-are-you-night-owl-early-bird-napper-woodcock-2019-6. Viegas, J. (2022). Night owls are more creative › News in Science (ABC Science). Abc.net.au. Retrieved from www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2006/12/13/1810399.htm. Wang, S., & Chern, J. (2008). The ‘Night Owl’ Learning Style of Art Students: Creativity and Daily Rhythm. International Journal Of Art &Amp; Design Education, 27(2), 202-209. doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-8070.2008.00575.x Nimrod, Galit. (2015). Early Birds and Night Owls: Differences in Media Preferences, Usages, and Environments. International Journal of Communication. 9. 133-153. الترجمة والدبلجة: alugha انقر هنا لمشاهدة مزيدٍ من الفيديوهات: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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