Was sind Düngemittel? | Landwirtschaft | Biologie | FuseSchool
Was sind Düngemittel? Düngemittel helfen den Pflanzen zu wachsen und erhöhen so die Ernteerträge. Sie enthalten hilfreiche Nährstoffe und Mineralien wie Stickstoff, Kalium und Phosphor, die das Pflanzenwachstum fördern. Überschüssiger Dünger, der aus den Feldern kommt, verursacht ein Problem, das als "Eutrophierung" bezeichnet wird.
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Learn the basics about particles in a metal, that are held together by metallic bonds. What are metallic bonds? Find out more in this video!
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A surd is a square root which cannot be reduced to a whole number.
Surds are irrational; they are decimals that never end and never repeat, so cannot be written as fractions. Leaving a number in it's surd form is easier and more accurate than writing and rounding the decimal places.
We see surds
In this video we have a look at the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
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