didacta special
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  • Meet us @ didacta in Stuttgart - Germany
  • 📍 Messe Stuttgart, Hall 3, Booth 3A60
  • 📅 February 11–15, 2025
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Black Friday Deal:
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No to discrimination in education!

Two sisters. A life changing accident. An inspiring struggle for the right to education. While on their way to school, a terrible bicycle accident left Avni visually-impaired and eventually unable to return to school with her older sister Bina. That’s when Bina, who found this situation absolutely unacceptable, decided to fight for her sister’s right to education in a passionate struggle that ended up changing not only their lives, but also that of their community. Watch their inspiring story, and learn about UNESCO’s Convention against Discrimination in Education as it turns 60 this year. Say no to discrimination in education! https://on.unesco.org/RightToEducation

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Transforming Lives in Africa: Progress Update

Join Nancy, our project manager in Nairobi, as she shares heartfelt thanks and exciting updates on our ongoing projects in Africa. From upgrading schools to drilling wells and improving sanitation, discover how your support is making a real difference every day. Watch as we change lives one drop at

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