didacta special
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  • Meet us @ didacta in Stuttgart - Germany
  • 📍 Messe Stuttgart, Hall 3, Booth 3A60
  • 📅 February 11–15, 2025
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didacta special:
25% OFF, on all yearly plans
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*Discount applies to first year only

iPhone 7 Akku LEER nach kurzer Zeit - Apple's Pfusch | #MSMM

WATCH THIS VIDEO IN ENGLISH: Große Ärgernis bei Apple! Aufgrund eines Softwarefehlers gehen die Akkus in vielen neuen iPhone 7 Geräten bei Telefonaten in Minutenschnelle leer! Mein Kommentar dazu hier bei Mein Stuhl, meine Meinung! MSMM - Macbook Lautsprecher platzen: https://alugha.com/videos/955aa5fe-b983-11e6-a629-45ae205cbd74?vlang=eng Wenn Ihr auch mal Anregungen für ein Video habt sagt einfach bescheid, ich sehe dann, was ich machen kann. Und ein Abo auf meinem Channel würde ich mich natürlich sehr freuen! Unsere Sites & Infos: hoTodi | http://hotodi.com Twitter | http://twitter.com/hotodi_com Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/hoTodi.tv Google+ | http://goo.gl/oIf5B Pinterest | http://pinterest.com/hotodi/ alugha | https://alugha.com

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How to create a music website with Claude.AI

This video illustrates how to use Claude AI to quickly and easily create a website where you can enter and instantly hear chords for your piano. The AI turns the website from a simple chord display into an interactive keyboard that even supports semitones. An exciting insight into the possibilities

Rose Arch assembly

Today, the chicken fence is decoratively complemented by a rose arch. Thanks to its struts, it offers plenty of space and support for roses and other climbing plants. In this video you can see how to assemble it and if the whole thing is stable. Assembly takes about 20-30 minutes and all you need

Planting shrubs

My forest needs insects, and to attract them I need to get busy again. To do this, I got myself a few shrubs I want to plant today. In this video you'll learn how to do it and what you need to keep in mind.