10 Surprising Facts About How Our Brains Work

Are you a fan of neuroscience? Are you curious about how our brain works? The nervous system? And the psychology of how our brain functions? Cognitive psychology was one of my favourite psychology class in my undergraduate studies, and these are the 10 interesting psychology facts that I remember. Did you know: brain is more creative when you're tired, doing new things change how you perceive time, stress can change size of brain etc. #brainpower #brain Writer: Michal Mitchell Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong Voice: www.youtube.com/AmandaSilvera Animator: Aury YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References: Cooper, B. B. (2020, June 24). How Our Brain Works: 10 Surprising Facts: Buffer Blog. Buffer Resources. buffer.com/resources/10-surprising-facts-about-how-our-brain-works/. DENT Neurologic Institute. (2020, October 19). 22 Facts About the Brain: World Brain Day. DENT Neurologic Institute. www.dentinstitute.com/posts/lifestyle-tips/22-facts-about-the-brain-world-brainday/#:~:text=When%20you%20are%20awake%2C%20your,150%2D260%20miles%20per%20hour. Transcript: alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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