If you've ever wondered whether your introverted nature is a sign of hidden genius, this video is for you. From introspective tendencies to unconventional problem-solving skills, we'll uncover the traits that set you apart from the crowd and highlight your intellectual prowess. In this video, we will be providing valuable insights and examples to help you recognize and embrace your inner genius. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the strengths and advantages that come with being an introverted thinker.
Researcher/writer: Chloe Avenasa
Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Dinda
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Lo, I. (2022). "Why Are Highly Intelligent People Misunderstood?" Eggshell Therapy and Coaching. Retrieved from eggshelltherapy.com/highly-rational/#Highly_Intelligent_People_Often_Feel_They_Dont_Fit_In
Casarella, J. (2022). "What Are Signs of Genius?" Web MD. Retrieved from webmd.com/balance/what-are-signs-of-genius
Li, N. P., & Kanazawa, S. (2016). Country roads, take me home… to my friends: How intelligence, population density, and friendship affect modern happiness. British Journal of Psychology, 107(4), 675-697.
Taylor, L. (2019). "Why You Should Embrace Your Inner Introvert." Psychology Today. Retrieved from psychologytoday.com/us/blog/tame-your-terrible-office-tyrant/201910/why-you-should-embrace-your-inner-introvert
Granneman, J. (2018). "Are You an Absent-Minded Introvert? Research Suggests You Might Be a Genius." Introvert, Dear. Retrieved from introvertdear.com/news/absent-minded-introvert-genius/
Laney, M. O. (2002). The introvert advantage: How quiet people can thrive in an extrovert world. Workman Publishing.
Holmes, A. J., Lee, P. H., Hollinshead, M. O., Bakst, L., Roffman, J. L., Smoller, J. W., & Buckner, R. L. (2012). Individual differences in amygdala-medial prefrontal anatomy link negative affect, impaired social functioning, and polygenic depression risk. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(50), 18087-18100.
Cook, G. (2012). "The Power of Introverts: A Manifesto for Quiet Brilliance." The Scientific American. Retrieved from scientificamerican.com/article/the-power-of-introverts/
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