父母是如何把你搞成这样的?( 育儿误区)

当你想起自己的童年时,你会有什么感觉?你认为这是一个快乐的地方,你愿意付出任何代价回去,还是宁愿假装它从未发生过?不幸的是,,有时父母并不是最了解情况的人,他们在抚养孩子时做出的选择会让孩子受到创伤。以下是父母犯下的五个可能会使孩子受到伤害的错误。 免责声明:本视频不是为了攻击任何人,而是为了了解这一现象并提高人们对该主题的认识。有时候,父母犯的这些错误确实是无心之举,是偶然的错误,是因为他们真的不太了解,但有时可能是由于不够关心而造成的。 作者:Stela Kosic 剧本编辑:Vanessa Tao 剧本经理:Kelly Soong 英语配音:Amanda Silvera 动画师:Aury (https://www.instagram.com/_amenation_) YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 参考文献: Campbell, L. (2019, April 12). What Happens to Kids When Parents Play Favorites? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/what-happens-to-kids-when-parents-play-favorites#The-negative-effects Glicksman, E. (2019). Physical discipline is harmful and ineffective. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/physical-discipline Harold, G. (2018, April 2). How parents’ arguments really affect their children. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/education-43486641 Holland, K. (2021, October 21). Childhood Emotional Neglect: How It Can Impact You Now and Later. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/childhood-emotional-neglect#effects-in-adulthood How Pressuring Kids to Get Good Grades Can Have a Negative Impact. (2020, April 14). Verywell Family. https://www.verywellfamily.com/cons-of-pressuring-kids-to-get-good-grades-4117600 How Staying Together for the Kids Could Hurt Your Child’s Mental Health. (2019, November 12). Verywell Family. https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-parents-fighting-affects-children-s-mental-health-4158375#diminishing-the-effects Media Relations. (2015, April 3). Arguments in the home linked with babies’ brain functioning. https://uonews.uoregon.edu/archive/news-release/2013/3/arguments-home-linked-babies-brain-functioning Nauert, R., PhD. (2016, December 1). Parents Should Not Put Too Much Pressure on Kids. Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com/news/2016/12/01/parents-should-not-put-too-much-pressure-on-kids#4 Surprising Facts About Spanking and Corporal Punishment. (2020, August 7). Verywell Family. https://www.verywellfamily.com/facts-about-corporal-punishment-1094806#consequences 翻译和配音:alugha 点击这里观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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