
你有预感有人喜欢你吗?也许你已经感觉到这一点有一段时间了,但还不能完全分辨出来。好, 有一些常见的迹象可以告诉你他们是否喜欢你. 作者:Michal Mitchel 剧本编辑兼经理:Kelly Soong 配音:Amanda Silvera 动画师:Zuzia YouTube 经理:Cindy Cheong 参考文献: Daniel, F. (2022, January 20). From flushed skin to eye contact: 27 signs that someone's attracted to you. mindbodygreen. Retrieved from www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/signs-of-attraction#:~:text=Open%20body%20language,you%20talk%20with%20each%20other. Fellizar, K. (2021, July 12). 10 expert-approved ways to tell if someone has actually has feelings for you. Bustle. Retrieved from www.bustle.com/wellness/ways-to-tell-someone-has-real-feelings-for-you-according-to-experts Nicholson, J. (2016). 4 ways to tell whether someone is into you. Psychology Today. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-attraction-doctor/201603/4-ways-tell-whether-someone-is-you Mas, S. (2022, February 8). How to tell if someone likes you: 9 signs of attraction. The Truly Charming. Retrieved from thetrulycharming.com/psychological-signs-someone-likes-you/ Birch, J. (2021, August 27). 6 signs someone is in love with you, based on body language alone. Well+Good. Retrieved from www.wellandgood.com/signs-someone-is-in-love-with-you/ 翻译和配音: alugha 点击这里观看更多视频:https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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