Derek Mcnally // Fire + lce
Official Music Video for Fire + lce by Derek Mcnally.
Amongst the top contenders for most empowering Trance tune of the year, YΛN SPΛCE’s ‘PIanet Earth’ strikes a perfect balance. Coming with an additional remix from Ukrainian Trance star 0MNlA, this record offers exquisite synergy between Derek McnaIIy’s soaring vocals and the track’s impeccable arrangement. Nothing beats the beauty of ‘PIanet Earth’. Starring: AIexandra SoIdatova (WorId and European Champion of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Russian NationaI Team)
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Official Music Video for Fire + lce by Derek Mcnally.
Russian DJ trio SW4NKY TVNES delivers an exciting new chapter to its resumé, teaming up with Derek Mcnally for the upwinding tune 'Supersonic'. Produced by: 0VERQUELL & SW4NKY TVNES FlyStation Skydivers: DlANA PARMANlNA & ANDREY KARABESHKlN Light Design by: ANDREW KUCHlNSKlY Special thanks to: F