La contribución de las mujeres exploradoras - Courtney Stephens
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En la era victoriana, difícilmente una mujer lograba llegar a ser una gran exploradora, pero hubo unas cuantas que con inteligencia, determinación y valentía aportaron grandes contribuciones al estudio de territorios anteriormente pocos conocidos. Courtney Stephens examina a tres mujeres: Marianne North, Mary Kingsley y Alexandra David-Néel, que no aceptaron un "no" como respuesta (y nos muestra por qué deberíamos estar agradecidos que así fuera).
Lección de Courtney Stephens, animación de Lizzi Akana.
David Lang is a maker who taught himself to become an amateur oceanographer -- or, he taught a robot to be one for him. In a charming talk Lang, a TED Fellow, shows how he and a network of ocean lovers teamed up to build open-sourced, low-cost underwater explorers.nnTEDTalks is a daily video podcast
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Russia is the biggest country in the world, spanning one-eighth of the earth’s landmass. But where did it all begin? Alex Gendler explores the epic history of the Kievan Rus, where characters ranging from Viking rai
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We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day. And although we’ve spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect these lies by tracking physiological changes in their tellers, these methods have proved unreliable. I