5 “Good” Habits That Are Actually Bad For You

You may have seen videos of bad habits that are actually good for you, but have you considered maybe "supposed good habits" can also be bad for you as well? For example, always being positive, aiming for perfectionism, avoiding conflict, are actually toxic habits to some degree. 1. Always being positive 0:36 2. Working too hard 1:22 3. Aiming for perfection 2:11 4. Avoiding conflict 2:44 5. Being a “yes-person” 3:30 Writer: Joshua Munoz Script Editor: Isadora Ho Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Naphia YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong References Lamothe, C. (2020, March 30). Conflict Avoidance Doesn’t Do You Any Favors. Healthline. www.healthline.com/health/conflict-avoidance Foy, K. (2019, September 6). 6 Things You Can Expect To Happen When You Stop Being A People-Pleaser. XoNecole: Women’s Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty. www.xonecole.com/say-no-to-people-pleasing-6-things-you-can-expect-to-happen-when-you-stop-being-a-doormat/ Cousins, L. (2018, February). Why ‘bottling it up’ can be harmful to your health | HCF. www.Hcf.Com.Au/Health-Agenda/Body-Mind/Mental-Health/Downsides-to-Always-Being-Positive. www.hcf.com.au/health-agenda/body-mind/mental-health/downsides-to-always-being-positive GoodTherapy Editor Team. (2019, May 11). Perfectionism. www.Goodtherapy.Org/Learn-about-Therapy/Issues/Perfectionism. Korkki, P. (2015, February 5). When Hard Work Becomes Overwork. The New York Times. www.nytimes.com/2007/10/21/jobs/21career.html?_r=0 Bradford, H. (2017, December 6). HuffPost is now a part of Verizon Media. Why Being A Workaholic Is Awful For You AND Everyone Around You. www.huffpost.com/entry/workaholic-bad_n_6093658 Transcript: modified/corrected by alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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