Day #2: Entwicklungspolitische Diskussionstage 2021 (Englisch)
The emperor´s fair clothes - Are labels and due diligence key to more sustainability?
- Anosha Wahidi (Referatsleiterin nachhaltige Lieferketten und Standards, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung/BMZ)
- Christian Schader (Leiter Gruppe Nachhaltigkeit, FiBL-Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau)
- Reema Nanavaty (Director, SEWA - Self Employed Women's Association)
- Aleix Busquets Gonzalez (Director, Global Sustainability, C&A)
Cooperation partner: Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
If the cost of a T-Shirt is €4.99, who pays the real price? A regular T-shirt often travels up to 20,000 km and undergoes countless production stages on its way into our German stores. Cotton production and processing usually takes place in countries of the Global South, but only a fraction of the profits remains there. On top of that, the socio-cultural and ecological damages associated with the production processes often come as additional costs for local communities.
In the context of the preliminary agreement on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Law in Germany, representatives from political, economic, science and civil society sectors will discuss the following questions:
What social costs or environmental damages can occur along the supply chain?
How can labels and the recent draft bill on the Supply Chain Act contribute to the reduction of costs and damages along the supply chain?
How can a fair shop price representing the true costs be ensured?
Are there already existing trade and production opportunities to reduce consequential damages and enhance participation in the Global South?
Climate-damaging LNG production in Canada by means of German financial guarantees
Germany has now finally decided to phase out coal for 2038 - much too late, as climate activists criticise. At the same time, however, it is this delayed and inadequate coal phase-out that is being used as an opportu
Dynamik der russischen Protestbewegungen und die Reaktionen des Staates
- Grigory Yudin, Moskauer Hochschule für Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Aleksandra Krylenkova, "Arrestanten nach § 212", Moskau
- Lada Zazykina, Umweltaktivistin, Archangelsk
- Ekaterina Selezneva, OWD-Info, Moska
Video recording of the online conference on October 15, 2020
- Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher (Molecular biologist and geneticist, board member of the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility – ENSSER)
- Ali Tapsoba de Goamma (Human rights and environmental act