Què són les semiequacions? | Reaccions | Química | FusesSchool
En aquest vídeo aprendrem a escriure semiequacions per a reaccions redox simples.
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Traducció i doblatge: alugha
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Learn the basics about why aren't all atomic masses whole numbers? Find out more in this video!
This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model o
Learn the basics about the principles of green chemistry as part of the environmental chemistry topic.
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Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/FuseSchool
This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse
Learn the basics about the principles of green chemistry as part of the environmental chemistry topic.
This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom