6 Signs You Have Genius Level Intelligence

Did school ever make you doubt your intelligence? Just because you may have failed in school or not done as well as expected, doesn’t mean you lack brains. You might be a different kind of genius. Here are a few signs you actually have genius level intelligence! Writer: Max Gustavo Script Editor: Vanessa Tao Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Naphia YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong REFERENCES Atrgouti, B. (2021, September 25). 10 signs you have genius level intelligence. Medium. Retrieved from medium.com/@bilalatrgouti2002/10-signs-you-have-genius-level-intelligence-745aaf15b1ac Batty, G. D., & White, J. (2012, September 1). Intelligence across childhood in relation to illegal drug use in adulthood: 1970 British cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Retrieved from jech.bmj.com/content/66/9/767.full Dean, J. (2021, August 21). Signs of intelligence: 22 fascinating indicators of a high IQ. PsyBlog. Retrieved from www.spring.org.uk/2021/06/signs-of-intelligence.php King, L. (2020, April 25). Top 10 signs you might actually be a genius. Medium. Retrieved from medium.com/mindset-matters/top-10-signs-you-might-actually-be-a-genius-6d44a62e5bd5 Li, N. P., & Kanazawa, S. (2016, February 4). Country roads, take me home… to my friends: How intelligence, population density, and friendship affect modern happiness. British Psychological Society. Retrieved from bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bjop.12181 Yenisey, Z. (2021, October 5). 7 signs that you might be an actual genius. Maxim. Retrieved from www.maxim.com/maxim-man/seven-signs-you-are-a-genius-2017-4/amp/ Transcript: alugha Click here to see more videos: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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