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Caves: Extreme Conditions for Life

For certain life forms on Earth, conditions that humans and other familiar organisms find hospitable can actually be deadly. Instead of a moderate climate with an atmosphere rich in nitrogen and oxygen, these organisms thrive in very hot or very cold temperatures, or in caves or deep waters where no light penetrates. In this video segment adapted from NOVA, scientists analyze communities of cave-dwelling microbes that live off simple inorganic compounds like iron and sulfur. Based on their findings, the scientists consider whether life might also exist on other planets that contain similar primitive conditions. CREDITS: https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/credits/ess05.sci.ess.eiu.lifecondtn/ LICENSE: https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/help/full-license-for-section-3c-of-terms-of-use-download-and-share/

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The Grand Canyon: How It Formed

The theory of how the Grand Canyon was formed is shown in this animation from NOVA, and features rare footage of a phenomenon known as debris flow. CREDITS: https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/credits/ess05.sci.ess.earthsys.canyon/ LICENSE: https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/help/full-license-for-secti

The Dynamic Sun

In this video from NOVA’s Sun Lab, learn about the Sun’s ever-changing surface and magnetic field. Images and animations illustrate how the Sun’s magnetic field lines are affected by the motion of the Sun’s plasma. Over time, the magnetic field becomes twisted and more complex, which increases solar

The Anatomy of the Sun

In this video from NOVA’s Sun Lab, learn about the Sun’s composition and structure. The Sun is a plasma, primarily made of hydrogen with smaller amounts of other elements. Animations and images illustrate the physical and behavioral properties of the Sun’s six regions: the core, radiative zone, conv