6 Gewohnheiten, die dich attraktiver machen können

Gewohnheiten können unser Verhalten und unsere Interessen ändern und mit genügend Zeit und Entschlossenheit bestimmte Fähigkeiten verbessern. Wusstest du, dass manche Gewohnheiten dich attraktiver machen? Hier sind nur einige der Gewohnheiten, die dich attraktiver machen. Autorin: Michal Mitchell Skript-Editorin & -Managein: Kelly Soong Voiceover (englische Version): Amanda Silvera Animatorin: Kwek YouTube-Managerin: Cindy Cheong Musik: Melodie Victoria - Kevin MacLeod Quellen: Jonason, P. K., Marsh, K., Dib, O., Plush, D., Doszpot, M., Fung, E., … Pietro, K. D. (2018, November 10). Is smart sexy? Examining the role of relative intelligence in mate preferences. Personality and Individual Differences. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886918306032. Berbari, G. (2018, December 12). Proof That Being Intelligent Makes You More Attractive. mindbodygreen. www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/being-intelligent-makes-more-attractive-study. Donvito, T. (2019, June 19). 13 Things Scientifically Proven to Make You More Attractive. Reader's Digest. www.rd.com/list/how-to-be-more-attractive/. Nicholson, J. (2021). The Attraction Doctor. Psychology Today. www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-attraction-doctor. Kniffin, K. M., Wansink, B., Griskevicius, V., & Wilson, D. S. (2014, October 11). Beauty is in the in-group of the beholded: Intergroup differences in the perceived attractiveness of leaders. The Leadership Quarterly. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1048984314001027. Jackson, L. A. (1983). The Perception of Androgyny and Physical Attractiveness: Two is Better than One. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 9(3), 405–413. doi.org/10.1177/0146167283093011 Anders, S., Jong, R. de, Beck, C., Haynes, J.-D., & Ethofer, T. (2016, April 19). A neural link between affective understanding and interpersonal attraction. PNAS. www.pnas.org/content/113/16/E2248.abstract. Sarah Crow May 31, 2019. (2019, October 8). 23 Subtle Ways to Make Yourself More Attractive. Best Life. bestlifeonline.com/make-yourself-more-attractive/. Staff Writer March 1. (2020, October 2). 11 Ways To Be More Attractive, According To Science. HealthyWay. www.healthyway.com/content/ways-to-be-more-attractive-according-to-science/. Shana Lebowitz, A. A. (2020, February 4). 12 science-backed tricks that will make you more attractive and help you make a good first impression. Business Insider. www.businessinsider.com/13-science-backed-ways-to-appear-more-attractive-2016-8#surround-yourself-with-friends-people-look-better-when-theyre-in-a-group-2. Donvito, T. (2019, June 19). 13 Things Scientifically Proven to Make You More Attractive. Reader's Digest. www.rd.com/list/how-to-be-more-attractive/. Bader, L. (2014, March 24). The Evolution of Human Sexuality. sites.psu.edu/evolutionofhumansexuality/2014/03/24/facial-symmetry-and-attractiveness/. Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Zhong, Y., & Kou, H. (2014, July 16). Personality manipulations: Do they modulate facial attractiveness ratings? Personality and Individual Differences. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886914003626. Cottrell, Catherine A., Neuberg, Steven L., & LI, Norman P..(2007). What Do People Desire in Others? A Sociofunctional Perspective on the Importance of Different Valued Characteristics. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(2), 208-231. Psych2go möchte Inhalte aus den Bereichen Psychologie und psychische Gesundheit für jedermann auf der ganzen Welt kostenlos zugänglich machen. Sponsoren wie Endel machen dies möglich, da wir die Gelder reinvestieren können, um weitere großartige Inhalte für alle zu erstellen und gleichzeitig Unternehmen zu unterstützen, die ähnliche Ziele verfolgen. Übersetzung und Dubbing: alugha Klick hier, um mehr Videos zu sehen: https://alugha.com/Psych2Go

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