Search results for “Guido Bosbach”

Why we are able to speak

Neanderthals already possessed the FoxP2 language gene, which is responsible for language development in modern humans. So were cavemen as articulate as Homo sapiens? Author: ZDF/Terra X/Film Produktion Stein e.k./Alexander Hogh/Martin Papirowski/Timm Westen, Roxana Ardelean/Golem Studio/Guido Leu

Spears - the oldest weapons of mankind

The oldest weapons of mankind are probably 300,000 years old. In 1994, wooden javelins were discovered in Schöningen in Lower Saxony. Their discovery radically changed our view of human evolution. Author: ZDF / Terra X / Film Produktion Stein e.K./Alexander Hogh / Martin Papirowski / Timm Westen,

Art in the Stone Age

One of the first figurative representations of man is the Venus of Hohle Fels. The six-centimeter sculpture is about 40,000 years old. Homo sapiens also immortalized horses, water fowl and mammoths in works of art. Author: ZDF/Terra X/Film Produktion Stein e.K./Alexander Hogh/Martin Papirowski/Tim