Voith Group

This channel was not officially created by Voith Group. It was created by alugha to bundle all the videos from this producer into one channel and make it easier to locate them.


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4 steps to perfect spare parts management

It may be just a nozzle or a valve that stops working, but before you know it, the entire production line comes grinding to a halt. To ensure that the right spare parts are on hand when they are needed, proper stocking is just as critical as an efficient ordering and delivery process. Watch the vide

Voith e-learning platform DRIVE - user journey

DRIVE (Digital Readiness, Ideation, Velocity and Engagement) empowers people with the relevant skills required to succeed in the digital industrial workplace. DRIVE as a digital tool itself helps companies to keep their workforce up-to-date on a regular basis and prepare for the ongoing digital tran

Voith OnCallVideo - Video support for paper customers

OnCall.Video customers can be supported by video communication to speed up problem solving and to eliminate faults at an early stage. This solution offers many possibilities to improve communication for example for trainings or by supporting less experienced colleagues. The Voith Paper audio-visual

Voith HydroSeal sealing strip for paper machines

HydroSeal is the first to provide the option of dispensing with the conventional lubricating shower regardless of type of suction roll or manufacturer. Thanks to HydroSeal the lubricating water is distributed continuously over the entire width of the sealing strip and thus allows its surface to cont