International Charity Day is celebrated annually on 5 September. Find out what alugha has to do with it and how you can celebrate this day in this article.
General information about Charity Day
Charity is the will to do good. Without anything in return. The English word charity comes from the Latin caritas which means "(Christian) love of one's fellow". This then takes the form of alms, donations or gifts.
But you don't have to be religious to act charitably. Charity can also be done for purely altruistic reasons. According to a study, however, many people link good actions with faith in God.
This day was first initiated by the UN in 2012. 5 September is the anniversary of the death of Mother Theresa, who was known for her charity.
Charity can also come from a welfare state, for example in the form of bonuses or unemployment benefits. In addition, there are numerous charitable organisations that do good and are financed by donations from individuals. In many societies, charitable projects are the only solution to alleviate poverty.
How can we as individuals celebrate this day?
First and foremost, it is important to know that many people on this earth need our help. We can remind ourselves of this on this day. Otherwise, (monetary) donations are always a way to help. However, non-monetary help is also possible, for example in the form of (homemade) gifts or in soup kitchens. Sometimes it also helps to simply be a conversation partner. Volunteering is multifaceted.
alugha's charity project UKR4Kids
alugha also started a charity project a few months ago. Currently, many people are on the run. alugha wants to support refugee preschool children with learning videos in their language so that they can settle in well. For the UKR4Kids project, you can either give us an educational video to be translated into Russian, English, Ukrainian, German and Arabic, or you can give us your voice and/or your language and translate it yourself. We would be delighted to receive this gift. Please contact