The Stranger - Bonanza S1|24

Inspector Leduque comes from New Orleans to Virginia City to take Ben Cartwright back for a 20 year murder. When Ben declares publicly that he is withdrawing from the Governor's race, the townsfolk are upset not just about this but Little Joe has also been accused of gunning down Leduque's deputy in cold blood. A stranger, an older man who walks with a limp, arrives in Virginia City. He and his associate enter the office of the Territorial Enterprise where the editor, Dennis and Joe are proof reading an article. The stranger says he received a copy of the paper in New Orleans and it mentioned Ben Cartwright. He describes Ben and says Ben has two sons. Dennis corrects him and Joe steps forward to introduce himself. He asks what interest the man has in Ben. The man merely wants to know where Ben is. Dennis proudly says that Ben's in Siver City at a reception in his honor. They're grooming him for the governorship. The man reads the article's headline: Nevada and Ben Cartwright, a Great Future Together. The man crumples the paper and says Ben has no future. Joe grabs the man's arm and asks what he meant by that. The man merely tells Joe to tell Ben that Charles LaDuque is at the hotel. Joe reaches for him again, but the associate, Cole slugs Joe so hard he crashes across the room. LaDuque says they'll smash Ben as easily as he smashed the story of Ben's life. More on

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