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The Last Viking - Bonanza S2|42

Gunnar Borgstrom is the leader of a vicious band called the Commancheros. They burn houses, kill people and steal anything of value. When the Commancheros get to Nevada, Gunnar decides to visit his relatives, the Cartwrights. Meanwhile the gang capture Little Joe and his girlfriend. When Gunnar returns to the gang, he has no idea who Joe is because he'd never met his nephew before. Gunnar is a long-lost relative of the Cartwright family. When Gunnar arrives at the Ponderosa, the family takes him in for the evening. Gunnar is the brother to one of Ben Cartwright's late wives. More on https://bonanza.fandom.com/wiki/The_Last_Viking

LicensePublic Domain

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German Propaganda Newsreel. Part 4, on the German "Bulge" offensive of Dec. 16, 1944. Shows a V-1 bomb in the air, a rocket barrage, artillery firing, and U.S. POW's and dead. German tanks and infantry are rushed to the front. Record Group 242: National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seize

Things To Come 1939

Things to Come (also known as Shape of Things to Come and in promotional material as H. G. Wells' Things to Come) is a 1936 British science fiction film produced by Alexander Korda, directed by William Cameron Menzies, and written by H. G. Wells. The film stars Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph

Things To Come 1939 - Colorized

Things to Come (also known as Shape of Things to Come and in promotional material as H. G. Wells' Things to Come) is a 1936 British science fiction film produced by Alexander Korda, directed by William Cameron Menzies, and written by H. G. Wells. The film stars Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph