Showdown - Bonanza S2|33

A bank robber takes a job with the Cartwrights to prevent the sheriff from tracking down his accomplices. After John Pardo and his gang rob the Virginia City Bank, they go into hiding on the Ponderosa. One of Pardo's men, Sam Kirby, goes to the Cartwrights. The plan is for him to hire on as a ranch hand so he can keep tabs on the posse and/or the Army, if they're called in. Adam, Hoss and Joe Cartwright are breaking horses. Sam rides up and merely watches. When one of the horses throws Joe, Sam's laughter gets their attention. He asks for a job and claims he has a reference from a previous Ponderosa hand that he worked with in Arizona. He earns the job by breaking the horse that threw Joe. Sheriff Coffee arrives and informs the Cartwrights about the robbery. He asks them to ride posse over the Ponderosa. They do, but to cover more area, they break into pairs. When Sam learns that Hoss will be going the direction of the gang's hide out, he volunteers to ride with him. Hoss stumbles across some suspicious markings and is investigating. Sam initially tries to make excuses, but when Hoss is down on his knee checking tracks, Sam pulls his gun. Fortunately, Joe arrives and stops him. Hoss asks why Joe has his gun on Sam and doesn't believe Joe when Joe says it looked like Sam was drawing down on Hoss. Hoss doesn't think Sam would do that and Sam claims he heard a rider coming (Joe) and pulled it for protection. More on

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