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Hora de mudar - Episódio I Teaser

Por que um carro elétrico? Todo mundo sabe que as coisas não podem continuar assim. Carros elétricos podem ser a solução. Assista a nosso primeiro episódio da série Hora de Mudar onde explicaremos as vantagens e desvantagens de carros eléctricos. ver mais?: https://alugha.com/videos/16bd932e-dc00-11e7-98f7-a34b98532461

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Time to Switch - BMWi3 Trailer

Range anxiety? What happens when my electric car suddenly runs out of energy? Where can I charge it? CEO Bernd Korz answers these questions in the first alugha originals series about the BMW i3! Time to switch!

TIME to SWICH – Episode II

E-Car vs. combustion engine car! You can find filling stations for conventional cars everywhere, but what about charging opportunities for electric cars? And how much does it cost? In the second episode of “Time to Switch”, Bernd tells you about his personal experience with the switch.