didacta special
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  • Meet us @ didacta in Stuttgart - Germany
  • 📍 Messe Stuttgart, Hall 3, Booth 3A60
  • 📅 February 11–15, 2025
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didacta special:
25% OFF, on all yearly plans
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*Discount applies to first year only

Stay young. Forever. Audi Prima Scelta :plus

"Stay young. Forever. Audi Prima Scelta :plus è il programma esclusivo e all’avanguardia che offre vetture usate d’eccellenza sottoposte a 110 controlli e garantite quattro anni dall'acquisto. Scopri l’usato senza il suo passato. Scopri tutto il mondo Audi Prima Scelta :plus: https://www.audi.it/it/web/it/usato.html #AudiPrimaSceltaPlus #UsatoAudi #AudiItalia" Clicca qui per vedere altri video: https://bit.ly/3cpAMFO

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Audi Contact Center - Kortenberg (ENG)

Audi Test and training center in Belgium.nLeuvensesteenweg 639, 3071 Kortenberg.nnOpen every day from 09:00 o'clock until 18:00 o'clock. Saturday from 09:00 o'clock until 18:00 o'clock. Closed on Sunday. Testdrives only possible on reservation by an official belgian Audi dealer.