This is the Alugha Showcase Video for our different "Burning Love" versions.
You're listening to "Burning Love" from the Pre-Era of Q.AGE feat. Oliver Schwarzinger as a singer.
Current versions:
English (US) Burning Love feat. Franklin Bunn
English (UK) | Burning Love feat. Oliver Schwarzinger
German | Burning Love feat. Serge
Additional version ins queue:
English (US) | Burning Love feat. Franklin Bun
Swedish | Burning Love feat. Simon Ericsso
Romanian | Burning Love feat. Maria
Alugha is a great way, to switch between different Audio Track on One Video.
Use the Alugha Chrome Extension to switch between the different song versions or head over to our homepage to see the embedded version:
We want to support these guys to show the complex content of our project:
Burning Love will be the first widly spreaded promotion where the song remains the same - doesn't matter who performes it:
The official soundtrack of BERNDOUT by DJ Cosmin – Reality. Already available in English, Turkish and in a karaoke version.
This video is multilingual thanks to alugha.
Learn more about us:
alugha – Everyone’s language!
Taking internet videos to the ne
SPECIAL PEOPLE ist ein Song, der von Hoffnung handelt und aus einer echten Gegebenheit entstanden ist. Wir haben all unsere Kraft in diesen Song gelegt und geben darin unsere Hoffnung an all Jene weiter, die den Song hören.
When the anchor falls down
and you cannot pick it up
Der offizielle Song zum Film Berndout von DJ Cosmin - Reality. Bereits jetzt schon auf Englisch, Türkisch und in einer Karaoke Version erhältlich.
Hier geht es direkt zum Film
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