Precision Ag Technology MADE EASY! │ Fertilization

Our John Deere Precision Ag Technology team guides you through the advantages of application maps for fertilization. Farmers want to achieve the best possible yield from their fields. At the same time EU regulations require a 20% reduction of fertilizers. A demand-based fertilization enables both. It is important to take care of the different zones of a field and provide the ideal amount of fertilizer for each zone. Any farmer of contractor can work with the John Deere Operation Center, which is free of charge, to create application maps. Based on these application maps the settings of the machine are adjusted automatically to apply the right amount of fertilizer. The valuable fertilizer ist used in a best way possible. In addition time for set-up in the field is reduced and an improved documentation allows for smart agronomic decisions. ➤ Watch our experts share some quick wins on the business benefits of precision ag technology from John Deere. Learn how easy it is to get more from your machine in just a few minutes by checking out the John Deere Precision Ag MADE EASY playlist: ➤ Learn more about the benefits of John Deere precision ag technologies: ➤ AND don't forget to subscribe to our channel: ✅

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