Teško je povjerovati da se Mannheim Herschelbad cijelo stoljeće nalazio u kvadratu O3. Iako je uništen u Drugom svjetskom ratu i obnovljen u pojednostavljenom obliku, Mannheimov najstariji zatvoreni bazen i dalje je pravo blago usred grada. Ovdje ne dolaze samo ljubitelji saune i plivači, već i ljubitelji arhitekture imaju šta da vide.
Uz alugha Points možete gledati uzbudljive videozapise o zanimljivim mjestima u vašoj okolini. Ta su mjesta povijesno, politički ili društveno značajna i možda više nisu očigledna. Bilo da se radi o arhitekturi, mjestu povijesnih događaja ili trenutnih žarišta - uz alugha Points uvijek ćete pronaći video na svom jeziku sa svim važnim informacijama o toj temi.
The Augustaanlage is a four-lane avenue between Mannheim's water tower and the Planetarium. It's part of the connection between the city centre and motorway 656. It also characterizes the cityscape through its plants and contemporary sculptures placed by various artists on and along the avenue.
The second part of the film "Die Quadratestadt" also shows impressions from the years 1938 and 1957. This time the Jesuit Church, the Parade Ground, the National Theater and the airfield in Neuostheim can be seen. The Mannheim City Archive (ISG) and City Marketing Mannheim GmbH hope you enjoy your v
The historical film shows views of the Friedrichsplatz and the water tower, the highway, the castle and the market place from the years 1938 and 1957. The Mannheim City Archive (ISG) and the City Marketing Mannheim GmbH wish you a lot of fun on your virtual journey into Mannheim's past.