Land für Daviens Leute - Bonanza S2|37

Jacob Davien, der religiöse Führer einer Gruppe von Quäkern, will seine Leute in den Westen bringen und macht dabei Station in Virginia City. Die Gläubigen haben ihr Erspartes zusammengelegt und wollen Land kaufen, um ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch noch ehe sie daran denken können, werden sie von einer Gruppe Banditen bedroht. Zufällig sind Adam und Hoss Cartwright in der Nähe und können eingreifen. Sie bieten den Quäkern an, über das Gebiet der Ponderosa zu ziehen ... Quelle ->Sat1Gold ->

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The Scarlet Clue - Colorized by alugha

The Scarlet Clue is a 1945 American film directed by Phil Rosen. The film is also known as Charlie Chan in the Scarlet Clue (American informal title) and Charlie Chan: The Scarlet Clue in Australia. The film is in the public domain due to the omission of a valid copyright notice on original prints.

Charlie Chan: Dark Alibi - Colorized by alugha

Dark Alibi is a 1946 American film directed by Phil Karlson featuring Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan. It is also known as Charlie Chan in Alcatraz, Fatal Fingerprints and Fatal Fingertips. Thomas Harley, an ex-convict who served time in prison twenty years ago, is wrongfully arrested for a bank robb

The Trap (1946 film) - Colorized by alugha

The Trap is a 1946 crime film directed by Howard Bretherton and starring Sidney Toler and Victor Sen Yung. The main premise is that two members of a show troupe are murdered, and detective Charlie Chan is called in to solve the case. The title credit mentions "Charlie Chan" as appearing in the film,