The Hopelessness Theory of Depression

Do you wonder what causes chronic depression? Perhaps, you yourself are diagnosed with clinical depression or you know someone who has depression, but you aren't sure why they suffer from depression? Depression is an extremely complex mental health problem ranging from combination of genetic to environmental causes. Even professionals are not 100% certain of what causes depression and furthermore, depression varies by individual cases and history. It this video, we do our best to cover three possible causes of depression: NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTIONAL STYLES and causes, & having a NEGATIVE SELF IMAGE. Hopefully, you find this video helpful in shedding some light on the topic of depression. #psych2go #depression #lecture101series Also, please welcome a new member to our team, Amine Bouzaher. He is currently a UBC student and helping us with script writing, research and voice over. If you yourself are interested in being a part of the team, do reach out :) Animated by: Ben Carswell Ben's goal is to one day work as a director for animation. Credits: Script Writer: Amine Bouzaher Script Editor: Amine Bouzaher VO: Amine Bouzaher Animator: Ben Carswell YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong For Business Inquiries - For further readings (important): Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O, Jin R, Merikangas KR, Walters EE. Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry. 2005;62:593–602.doi:10.1001/archpsyc.62.6.593. [PubMed] World Health Organization . The global burden of disease: 2004 update. WHO Press; Geneva: 2008. Rose DT, Abramson LY. Developmental predictors of depressive cognitive style: Research and theory. In: Cicchetti D, Toth S, editors. Rochester Symposium of Developmental Psychopathology.Vol. 4. University of Rochester Press; Rochester, NY: 1992. pp. 323–349. Metalsky GI, Joiner TE., Jr Vulnerability to depressive symptomatology: A prospective test of the diathesis-stress and causal mediation components of the hopelessness theory of depression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1992;63:667–675. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] Please share and like our videos if they've helped you out! Want to support our mission, consider becoming a channel member of Psych2Go. We will send you exclusive perks. Transcript: modified/corrected by alugha Click here to see more videos:

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