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5 Best Players In 2018 FIFA World Cup

This video is a prediction from march 2018! 5 Best Players In 2018 FIFA World Cup SUBSCRIBE: The FIFA World Cup is watched by millions of fans every four years. And it's watching the best football players in the world go head to hea

The plucking hand and fretting hand - Bobby's Bass - Part 6 shows how it's done! We've already covered the plucking hand and the fretting hand separately but now we'll use them at the same time! We will use the plucking hand and the fretting hand together to play our first bass piece. Today, Ralf Bopp will show you how to use both hands

The Phrygian scale - Bobby's bass - Part 11 shows how it's done! It is going to be Spanish today! :) Ole! We will learn another scale, the Phrygian scale. This scale is especially important for the Spanish style. Here's the sheet for this exercise: If you would like to join me in the studio, just let

Notes of the C major scale on a bass - Bobby's bass - Part 8 shows how it's done! Now that we have learned all the basics we want to develop them. This time, we will take a look at the notes of the C major scale and learn how to play the C major scale on each string with the fretting hand. Here's the sheet for this exercise: http://goo.g

The Fretting Hand - Bobby's Bass - Part 5 shows how it's done! Ralf Bopp continues his bass lessons. Now that we are familiar with the plucking hand, we will learn how to use the fretting hand. Ralf shows us step by step and with an example how to feel more and more comfortable with the bass. In addition to the proper

The C major scale - Bobby's bass - Part 7 shows how it's done! Now that we have mastered the plucking hand and the fretting hand, we will continue with notes. The C major scale plays a special role here, because basically everything is based on it. As the basis for all other scales, tones and notes, everything stems fro

Tuning a bass guitar - Bobby's Bass - Part 4 shows how it's done! This part again deals with a very important but rather dull exercise! If you want to learn how to play bass or any other instrument, you have to understand that you do not only have to play your instrument correctly, it also has to sound properly and so it m

Root, fifth and octave - Bobby's bass - Part 9 shows how it's done! Now that we are familiar with notes, the fretting hand and plucking hand, let's continue with some important basics. Today, we are going to learn what a root, a fifth and a concave is. is. We will play them on the strings and learn how to transpose them. H