Search results for “modern age”

How Best Agers Stay Fit in Old Age

Hank, Nora und Marylin live in Florida and are in their best years. Their motto: Your body is your best friend and needs to be treated well. As we all get older one day, their recipe for an active life is maybe something we can all learn from. Learn how Bayer’s experts are helping the growing grou

What is Your True Age Quiz (For Fun)!

Unlike your birth or calendar age, your maturity is your psychological age. If you like to learn yours, grab a pen, paper or note app and take this fun quiz we did. We won't be doing many of these quizzes, so don't be afraid! Disclaimer: This is a fun activity video and it should not be taken too

Feeling 70 - shopping in an aging suit

What do everyday activities feel like to senior citizens? What is it like at age 70 to climb stairs, pay at the cash register in a store, or read a bus schedule? All that's needed to get a feel for these situations is to put on what's called an "aging suit". A cross between overalls and an astronaut

Atom Age Vampire

Atom Age Vampire (Italian: Seddok, l'erede di Satana) is a 1960 Italian horror film directed by Anton Giulio Majano. Shot in black-and-white, the film was produced by Elio Ippolito Mellino and stars Alberto Lupo, Susanne Loret, and Sergio Fantoni. When a stripper (Susanne Loret) is horribly disfigu

7 Reasons Why Modern Relationship Are So Fragile

The unrealistic standards set by mainstream entertainment and social media train us to think that a perfect relationship should be one where we’re always happy, with zero conflict, and we’re perfectly matched for our partners. Are you wondering why some relationships don't last? If so, give this vid

Art in the Stone Age

One of the first figurative representations of man is the Venus of Hohle Fels. The six-centimeter sculpture is about 40,000 years old. Homo sapiens also immortalized horses, water fowl and mammoths in works of art. Author: ZDF/Terra X/Film Produktion Stein e.K./Alexander Hogh/Martin Papirowski/Tim

The Revival of the Vinyl Record in the Digital Age

For more Science Videos: * Vinyl or analog records have experienced a tremendous upsurge in popularity over the last decade. In this video, DOMINIK BARTMANSKI analyzes the reasons underlying vinyl’s resurgence in an age where digital music seemed destined to wipe it out. * Employing