Search results for “Song: Special People”

How To Deal With Toxic People

Do you have any relationships in your life that repeatedly leave you feeling emotionally drained and miserable? These can be in the form of a romantic partner, friend, coworker, or family member. Have you tried to share your feelings and been made to feel dejected or ashamed? If so, you might be dea

6 Types of People You Should Avoid At All Costs

Is someone in your life draining your energy? Perhaps you’re always leaving feeling exhausted or in a worse mood than before. How do we know whether someone is a lifelong friend or someone we need to avoid at all cost? Well to help you out, here are a few types of people you should avoid at all cos

8 Things Highly Intelligent People Do Differently

Just because you haven’t made an outstanding contribution to the sciences or arts does not mean you don’t possess intelligence. Whether it’s doodling all the time or staying curious about the world, certain habits or tendencies that you do can turn out to be a sign of high intelligence. Credit: Wr

5 Struggles Only Smart People Understand

Have you ever felt that if you were smarter, you would have fewer problems in your life? We’ve all wished for some more intelligence when we got a bad grade or made a dumb mistake. But did you know that high intelligence can cause its own problems? If you can relate to these struggles, you're probab

What Do Deaf People Hear?

Click here to see more videos: Hello and welcome back to Life’s Biggest Questions, I’m Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey. Hearing loss can be caused by any number of things; anything from illnesses, to head injury, to listening to music too loudly can result in some sor

6 Secret Habits Smart People Do Every Day

Do you find yourself more productive in the morning or at night? Did you know that smart people tailor their work routine to whether they are a night owl or a morning bird? Writer: Michal Mitchell Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Naphia YouTube Manager: Cindy

4 Reasons Highly Intelligent People Tend To Be Depressed

Have you ever wondered why some of the most intelligent people you know struggle with depression? In this video, we explore some of the possible reasons why highly intelligent individuals may be more susceptible to depression. There are many factors that can contribute to depression in people with

10 Signs of Fake Nice People

Are you wondering if you have a fake friend? Or colleague? Fake nice people are sometimes hard to spot, so we made a video to help you recognize some of the signs. #psych2go Here is the transcript for anyone with hearing impairment or language barrier:

How Many People Can The Earth Sustain?

Click here to see more videos: 7.5 billion people live on planet earth, and that number grows every day. But planet earth is not getting any bigger, and won’t be able to handle its growing population forever. At a point, the planet will become overpopulated,

6 Surprising Traits of Highly Intelligent People

Are you hoping to increase your intelligence? Maybe you need a few tips, or perhaps you’re curious as to what common traits intelligent people seem to have. Well, you clicked the right video, my friend. Writer: Michal Mitchell Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Mithrilda Animator: Zuzia IG

5 Reasons Intelligent People Might Be More Lonely

There's a reason that intelligence is linked to loneliness: people with a high IQ are more likely to be single than people with a lower IQ. In this video, we are going to share five reasons why intelligent people might be more likely to be lonely. Some of the reasons that we discuss include the fac